Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

This Sunday's Hash, 3rd of April


The trails are set for this week. Meet at the train station ( at 2:15pm to get the bus for a 2:30pm departure. It's an A to B trail.

For those driving, it is an A to B trail. Please go to the B location here: You will park here and then the bus will take you to the A location. Be there for 3:30pm.

On on!

This Sunday's Hash, 27th of March


This Sunday's trail has been set. Meet at the train station ( at 2:15 pm to get the bus for a 2:30pm departure. It's an A to A trail.

For those driving, the run start is here: Be there for 3:30 pm

On on!

World Hash Events: May 2022

Hello hashers,

Unfortunately . . . INTERHASH 2022 in Trinidad has been CANCELLED . . . But . . .

We're hashing in Trinidad anyway, if you want details on trails . . . join - this is a totally grass roots NO FRILLS effort to allow those hashers that still want to go, or have to go due to airline or hotel ticketing issues, etc.

If you are still planning to travel to Trinidad during the week of 25 Apr - 1 May for OUTERHASH 2022, and want to join us for some hash trails, please fill out this form so we know how many will be there.

Some of the PRELUBE and POSTLUBE events are still a go as well . . .

Prelube Cruise . . . sailing from Barbados,

Postlube Adventure . . . in Brazil,

Postlube to Guyana . . . Mu-sick is also working on an option flying to Georgetown, Guyana departing POS on Monday, 2 May, and taking an all- day tour of Kaieteur Falls (world's highest single drop waterfall - three times the height of Niagara Falls) and Orinduik Falls 3 May,  with a weather backup of the next day (4 May) and perhaps a hash with Guyana H3. 


Well, the tail end of the pandemic is still effecting some hash events, but in general, the hash world is coming back to (a somewhat new) normal. 

Here are the BIG events coming up . . .

Pan Africa Hash         (Jun 2022) - Uganda (website update in progress)
Inter Scandi            (Jul 2022) - Estonia
Pan Asia                (Oct 2022) - Indonesia
Mekong Indo             (Nov 2022) - Cambodia (official announcement pending)
Inter Gulf              2022 - Nothing announced yet
Inter Cauc              2022 - Nothing announced yet
Pan SoAm                (Jun 2023) - Brazil
Euro Hash               (Aug 2023) - The Netherlands
Inter Americas          (Sep 2023) - Colombia
INTERHASH               2024 - TBD


United States           (May 2022)
Dutch                   (Jul 2022)
Germany                 (Jul 2022)
Philippines             (Feb 2023)
Australia               (Mar 2023)
New Zealand             (Apr 2023)
United Kingdom  (Aug 2023)

See additional information and links to all these events at

Don't see your major event on the list . . . let me know and it will be added.


Where will the NEXT INTERHASH be?   It is also time to start thinking about the BIDS.  So far, there are registered bids for Queenstown, New Zealand and Goa, India.  A bid is being developed for Turkey (more to follow on that one).

A secure "ONLINE" voting system is being developed to make your vote heard.  Info to be published soon.


HASH HISTORY: If you missed it, here are the latest releases . . .

In the Spotlight - 1938 -             

In the Spotlight - Costa Rica -       

In the Spotlight - Ian Young -

In the Spotlight - Horse Thomson -

New articles being published often . . .  See dozens more at

I am currently in the United Arab Emirates attending the Creek H3 2000th Run, and will have other new HHH History articles to share soon.


So, who is the King of the Hill? 

Last month I asked the question of . . . who is the longest active hasher (not the oldest), and from what I can tell, still active Richard C. A. "Mountain Rescue" McAllister began hashing in Brunei in 1965, and second would be Bob "Drainoil" Leonard who started hashing on 7 Feb 1966.  There is still room for additional submissions, for longest currently active hasher.


From the WAY BACK MACHINE, hash happenings this month . . . (Note: some hashers have reported that the links below sometimes do not work.  That is due the "html" getting snipped off after the period, due to the width of the text.  To make it work, just make sure the link ends in ".html")





Upcoming hash events for the month of May 2022 are listed below.  See the website for more details:

May 6-8
Boozy Luzy Away Weekend
Hosted by the Riviera H3 in Calanques/Marseille, France.

May 13-15
Away Hash
Hosted by the Brasilia H3 in Chapada Dos Veadeiros, Brazil.

May 13-15
2300th Run
Hosted by the Gold Coast H3 at the Beaudesert Caravan Park, Australia.

May 13-15
Friday 13th Two Night Stand Horror Hash Campout
Hosted by the Luna Ticks H3 in Franklin, NC, USA.

May 14-15
Inaugural Hash
Hosted by the O-Kiss-Me H3 in Orlando, FL, USA.

May 20-22
AGM - Weekend at Bernie's
Hosted by the Mount Vernon H3 in Dewey Beach, DE, USA.

May 27-29
Island Weekend
Hosted by the Athens H3 on the island of Corfu, Greece,  This event has an additional optional day in Albania.

May 27-29
Voodoo Campout
Hosted by the Voodoo H3 in Hammond, LA, USA.

May 27-30
USA Nash Hash
Hosted by the Gulf Coast H3 in Cleveland, AL, USA.

See the whole three year calendar of upcoming events at
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info. 


Hashing is fun!  See you on trail someday . . . :O)

Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!  (Since 1998)     


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On on!

This Sunday's trail, 20th of March


A nice short run and walk this week. Meet at the train station ( at 2:15pm to get the BUS for a 2:30pm departure. It's an A to A trail.

For those driving, the run start is here: Be there for 3:30pm.

On on!

In the Spotlight - 1938

In the Spotlight – 1938
By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell
14 Mar 2022


Still to this day, no one has found any documentation that specifically defines when the Hash House Harriers ran their first trail in Kuala Lumpur.  Conventional wisdom had placed the date as sometime between September and December 1938.  About six months ago, my friend Colin "Hema" Snow sent me some interesting news from his personal interactions and a letter from Torch Bennett, that outlined his estimation of the founding date to be mid-summer 1939.  Unfortunately, Torch was not on the first run, having taken leave in late November of 1938 and not returning to Kuala Lumpur until late July 1939.  Torch also made it clear that "G" had not yet arrived in Kuala Lumpur as of the date of his departure.  Although verbal recollections by other early hashers had generally pointed towards a start date of late 1938, Torch was adamant that he was right. 


While reviewing more documents on the matter, another letter has shed more light on the situation.  First, a little background.  When Tim "Magic" Hughes was researching the history of the HHH back in the 1980s, he contacted many old hashers to get their story, and in 1987 came in contact with Frank Woodward.  Frank was one of the few early hashers before the war, and is identified on the "List of Office Bearers" of Mother Hash, as a Joint Master in both 1948 and 1949.  He would continue on, working and hashing in KL until his departure in 1953.  Magic had recently published his "Harrier International World Hash Handbook 86/87" and started mailing out periodical HHH News on a subscription basis under the title "Harrier International."   As an introduction, Magic sent Frank copies of his work and asked for some of his recollections on his time with the HHH in KL.   


Frank Woodward replied in a letter, stating . . . "I left Guernsey . . . in January 1939 and arrived in Kuala Lumpur about mid-February, 1939.  I had been booked into the Selangor Club Chambers by my boss.  At my first breakfast, I was invited to join the Hash House Harriers and as I had been a cross-country runner at school, I was delighted to accept."  Frank makes the most specific statement on record, for the actual founding date with "I took part in the sixth or seventh run of the club since it was founded."   Having run his first trail in February 1939, that would narrow down the date of the first run to sometime in December 1938, or possibly the first week of January 1939.  Since there were a couple significant holidays in that timeframe, mid to early December 1938 is the most likely date of the first hash trail.  It could not be sooner, as Torch had departed KL in late November 1938, and "G" was not there yet and the HHH had not started.


There was at least one account of the earlier Kuala Lumper Harriers (that ran in the city from the early 1920s to the mid-1930s) in the Malay Mail (newspaper) in 1932.  The oldest actual Hash House Harriers document we currently have, to the best of my knowledge, that specifies an actual event date is the notice for the upcoming 100th Run, which occurred on Friday 15 Aug 1941, just 17 weeks before hashing was suspended due to the onset of WWII. 


Frank's letter also includes other insights into the early days of the HHH.  He goes on to say . . .


          "In those good old days, most of us Hash House members had Malay car drivers . . . and the procedure on the weekly run days was for the two 'hares' to go in a car with their haversacks full of torn-up paper and the boot of their car loaded up with a large galvanized tin bath packed with ice, bottled beer and ginger beer, to a pre-arranged starting point and then set off to lay the paper trails.  The beer and ginger beer were provided by the 'hares' each week at their own expense.  The club never had any funds as such and administration was minimal." 


Frank continued to explain that prior to the war, that trails were generally A to B, and that once the pack had assembled and set off running, the hare's driver would lead all the other cars to the finish point.  He also states "After numerous false trails had been investigated the 'hounds' eventually arrived at the finish point where the 'hares' would have already started on the beer and ginger beer. Shandies were found to be much more refreshing than beer by itself."  Which, to me, is another indictment on the false narrative some hashers believe, that hashing has always been about excessive alcohol.


Another revelation was that after the rebirth starting in 1946, trails were much more commonly A to A.  Frank stated "After the war not many members of the H.H.H had car drivers, especially the newcomers who had come to Malaya for the first time . . . starting and finishing points of the runs [were] at the same place; otherwise the routine was exactly as before."

In closing, Frank finished with "I am so glad to hear that the Hash House Harriers clubs are spreading round the world, a fact of which I was quite unaware until very recently."  Both Frank's and Torch's letters are recollections of events that took place more than 40 years prior, so we have to take them at face value.  Just like Frank states, new information continues to be presented to us on the history of the HHH, and more research will continue to expand our knowledge of the origins of this fascinating sport.  More research will need to be done on Frank, but as of the time of his letter (circa 1987), he listed himself as a non-running member of the Tamar Valley H3, in Devonshire, UK.

On on!

This Sunday's Hash, 13th of March


This Sunday's trail has been set. Meet at the train station ( at 2:15pm to get the TRUCK (wear a hat) for a 2:30pm departure. We'll be crossing the ferry opposite Naga World so you can catch the truck as it passes at 2:45pm. It's an A to A trail.

For those driving, the run start is here: Be there for 3:30pm

On on!

In the Spotlight - Costa Rica

In the Spotlight – Costa Rica

By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell
10 Mar 2022


Costa Rica is one of seven countries that make up Central America, but they are all really just part of North America, along with Canada, Greenland, the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean.  Bordered by Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the east, Costa Rica also has coasts on the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.  As with most of the countries in this region, Spain was the first to dock their ships along the coast, but Costa Rica eventually claimed its independence in 1821.  Aligning with Mexico for a couple years, then the Federal Republic of Central America, Costa Rica achieved its own autonomy in 1838.


Costa Rica is a relatively small country, with a population of around 5 million.  The landscape is dominated by over 100 active and extinct volcanos with the most recent eruption in 2010, and is predominately an agriculturally based society.  Although Spanish is the official language, English is widely spoken in urban areas.  Costa Ricans enjoy a high standard of living, making it a popular place for tourism and expat retirement.


As you might expect, the Hash House Harriers has also become a staple in the capital city of San Jose.  I spent an afternoon with Ian Young in San Jose recently, where he told me about how he first found the hash in the newspaper in Hong Kong in 1969, and was on trail #2 of the newly formed Hong Kong H3.  Born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, Ian got a job with Pfizer, and that took him all over the world.  He hashed in Hong Kong for a couple years before being transferred to Korea, where he founded the Seoul H3 in 1972.  He was then sent back to Hong Kong before eventually making his way to Costa Rica. 


Costa Rica is a beautiful country, and Ian got busy with other activities for a couple years, and did not feel he was meeting the right sort of people that would be interested in the hash.  That was, until he met Bill Barbee.  Explaining the concept in detail, Bill immediately thought it was a great idea to get a club started, so he and Ian started getting the word out.  The first hash trail set was on 3 Feb 1979, when Ian Young and Bill Barbee founded the San Jose H3.  Although Ian was the founder, he was transferred to Colombia shortly after starting the club, and it was actually Bill Barbee that was the driving force to keep the San Jose H3 going after Ian's departure.  Under Bill's guiding hand, based on what he learned from Ian, the pack continued to grow.  So much so, that with hashers living all over the city, the run start locations were also all over the city.  This went on for over 25 years.


Ian continued on with his life and career throughout the 80s and 90s, living in several other countries and eventually starting a family.  He weaved in and out of hashing during this time, but did spend some time in England and Indonesia where he was able to connect with other hash groups, but family life limited his desire to start a new club where there was none.  After retiring from a long and successful career with Pfizer, Ian and his wife moved back to San Jose.


As with many metropolitan areas, over the years the growth of the city was outpaced by the growth in traffic, and it became harder to get through town for the weekly runs.  Both Ian and Bill lived in Escazu out in the western suburbs of San Jose, along with many of the old timers, and this group started to miss too many trails.  To ensure everyone was able to get their weekly fix of hashing, a splinter group was formed.  On 10 Jan 2005, Millard 'Fancy Pants' Farmer took the lead on forming the aptly named Escazu H3.  The two-club system went on happily for a number of years, but eventually numbers started to drop much like in other parts of the world.  The breakaway old timers of the Escazu H3 rejoined the others and they all have run together as the San Jose H3 since.   


More recently, another new hash club has formed about 3 hours' drive south of San Jose in Uvita, founded by Dave "SCFAL" Peters and Pam "GILF" Kexel.  These two lovers first came to Costa Rica for InterAmericas' Hash in 2003, where they started their lives together.  Going back to their homes in Waukesha, they married and lived happily for many years.  Then, they woke up to the realization that it snows in Wisconsin like 10 months out of the year.  They devised a plan to return to the land that they loved down in Central America, and hatched a plan to build their dream home, along with a few cabanas to rent out. 


Although still under construction, Camino a la Paz is a small eco retreat in Uvita that will have rentals of 3 full apartments, with 4 queen beds and 3 futons, sleeping 11 people, along with a pool on site (and camping space if you desire).  The area is full of opportunity for full on adventure hashing, full on beach bum, or somewhere in between.  The facility is surrounded by jungle and wildlife including monkeys, scarlet macaws, sloths, and iguanas.  Along with that the Uvita H3 was born.  If you would like to gather a few hasher friends and try out some hashing in Costa Rica, contact GILF on WhatsApp at 506.8665.6983 and make your reservations (special hash rates apply . . . and you can also help schedule a hash run).  They are hashers through and through and miss their hash family.  If you come and visit, they will set trail, show you around town, or just be available as needed.


But wait, that is not the end of the story . . . Costa Rica has another unique aspect when it comes to hashing, dreamed up by Giles "Patchwork-Quilt" Paget-Wilkes.  Patch first arrived in Costa Rica in 1979, just after the San Jose H3 was formed.  He was on run #5 and immediately become a regular.  It would only be a few short years before Patch became the Grand Master of the San Jose H3, and looking out over the world of hashing decided that one city, nor even one country, was big enough for his rule.  He hatched the idea of creating a bigger event . . . making San Jose the birthplace of the biennial InterAmericas' Hash in February 1984. 


In the 1985 annual program of the San Jose H3, Patch described it this way.  "As usual this year some great guys have left us for 'greener pastures' . . . However things are changing compared with the early days when people just disappeared, as all of these people are either running with other hashes or have started a new chapter if there was nothing in the town they moved to.  As a result Hashing has spread like wildfire through Central America with 3 new clubs in the last year.  Communication between all these new and existing clubs was greatly improved by the first Inter-Americas Hash, which was held in San Jose this February.  With Hashers from 16 different clubs at the gathering many long lasting relationships were initiated, and this together with greatly increased travel and visiting between the clubs is helping to form a solid hashing network throughout the Hemisphere.  This can only result in benefit and enjoyment for all concerned, which is what hashing is all about." 


Patch can also be seen explaining the first INTERAM, as it is now known.  Approximately 250 hashers turned up for that first one, so another was held again in 1985.  INTERAM has continued on the odd years (with the exception of 2021 due to COVID) opposite INTERHASH ever since.  The next one will be the 20th INTERAM, and is scheduled to take place in September 2023 in Guatape, Colombia.  The whole history of INTERAM is coming out soon.


I recently had the pleasure of traveling to San Jose for the 43rd anniversary of hashing in Costa Rica, and was able to meet up with both Ian Young and Patch-Work-Quilt.  I first met PWQ in 1993 on a hash run with the Mosquito County H3 in Florida, that ended at his house.  I'll have more on that in a future article, but on this event we had a fine hash social on Friday night where we got to meet and greet with about 25 hashers.  Saturday, we had a hash trail with the San Jose H3 out in the countryside, along with a BBQ after a short trail (it was 3 miles if you ran it 4 times, like I did).  Keep in mind, the majority of the pack here is in their late 60s and up (Ian will be 80 in May), and the trail was all shiggy with a few obstacles. 


On Sunday, we boarded a bus for what was usually a 90 minute drive, but it ended up taking 2.5 hours to get to the beach out in Jaco.  The newly formed Uvita H3 sponsored this trail, which had us first going up the hill for a beer stop on the top of a steep dirt road (with some 4 & 5 points of contact on the eagle loop).  All this leading us up to some great views, then back down for a long stretch on the black sand beach.  We watched a local surfing contest for a bit, then circled up for a few down downs and songs, before grabbing some delightful food and watching the sunset.  We then boarded the bus back into San Jose, which by this time, the beach goers were all doing the same, and it would take 4 hours to get back.  As you might guess, we had to make a couple breaks to download, and upload, more beer.  Costa Rica is amazing, come visit . . . you will not be disappointed.


For many more articles like this on the history of hashing, check out . . .


On on!