Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

This Sunday, 24 Jan Hash


The trail is set for tomorrow, Sunday 24th January. The Hares are Boring Wanker and Smelly Codpiece. We will be taking the bus to the start point which is diagonally opposite the north entrance to Sovanavatty Pagoda, Khsach Kandal 11.7469747, 105.0132750 (

To take the bus, meet at the front of train station at 1:45pm here:

On on!

Hangover trail for Sunday, 17th Jan


Head to the ferry near Naga World at 1:45pm for a hangover run following the Hash Ball.

On on!

Hash Ball payment


For those attending the ball this Saturday night, it would be appreciated if you can get the money to the committee by Friday afternoon please.

Thank you!

Hash Ball this Saturday night

Hash Ball this Saturday night! Register by emailing us or contacting Flaccido on Facebook. Hurry!

Fwd: World Hash Events: February 2021

Hello hashers,

Thanks goodness that 2020 is almost over.  As we close in on 2021, it is
with the utmost enthusiasm that we get to see each other again out on trail.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to hashers all over the world.  In this months edition we
have a few items of interest, including updates to major hash events, name
changes, and a few announcements.  Enjoy.

More event postponements and cancellations have taken place, but the most
intriguing change at the moment is that the China H3 has made a bold move
and rebrands itself as the Taiwan H3.  Apparently this has been in
consideration for several years, and has now been acted upon.  From a post
on their Facebook page, it was stated "2020 is a year that will not be
forgotten easily but while the rest of the world took a year off CH³ and now
TwH³ kept on keeping on. We are blessed to call Taiwan our home and honoured
to take Taiwan as our name."

As always, I wish all hashers around the globe health and safety, and happy


It was recently announced that InterScandi and Danish Nash Hash (2-4 Jul
2021) in Tallinn, Estonia have been postponed indefinitely due to ongoing
COVID concerns.  A new date/location is pending.  More postponements and
cancellations are likely, but this is what I have right now . . .

Current schedules for Major International Hash Events are:
* PanAfricaHash (2-4 Jul 2021) - Kampala, Uganda
* EuroHash (19-22 Aug 2021) - Prague, Czech Republic
* InterAmericas (3-6 Sep 2021) - Medellin, Colombia
* PanAsia (8-10 Oct 2021) - Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia
* Mekong Indochina (26-28 Nov 2021) - Yangon, Myanmar
* InterGulf 2021 not scheduled yet
* InterScandi 2022 not scheduled yet
* INTERHASH (28 Apr - 1 May 2022) - Trinidad

Current schedules for Nash Hash Events are:
* New Zealand (5-7 Feb 2021) - Hastings
* Germany (9-11 Jul 2021) - Burg Wildenstein
* Switzerland (30 Jul - 1 Aug 2021) - St. Gallen
* United States (postponed until Sep 2021) - details TBA
* Philippines (postponed until Oct 2021) - details TBA
* Australia (5-7 Nov 2021) - Adelaide
* United Kingdom (25-28 Aug 2023) - Yorkshire

Links to the event websites are listed on the main page at


You may recall from the "World Hash Events: October 2010" edition the
following article:
This just in to the News Desk: A crack team of German scientists [yea right,
make that drunken hashers] have determined beyond a shadow of a doubt, what
many parents of teenage daughters have always feared.  It is now a proven
fact that it takes less than 3 hours to go from Kissing, to Petting, to
Fucking.  A full analysis is located at:

An UPDATE has recently been published as follows:
Austrian village of 'Fucking' decides to change its name: The long-suffering
residents of the small Austrian village of Fucking have confirmed that, from
January 1, the town will be known as Fugging. Fans of unusual place-names
will mourn the loss.  Read the whole story at . . .


If you are looking for some light reading, and want to catch up on your hash
history . . . see the articles posted at IN THE SPOTLIGHT:

I am working on a few stories for next year, but if you have any
suggestions, I would be happy to research and craft a story on it.  Send
your comments to gotothehash (at) gmail (dot) com


If your hash is planning an event in the future, and you need help
organizing, check out the following free support

* TOED's hash event management system . . .

* HashRego  . . .


From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .





The annual calendar update has been completed, and you can see the full
spread of 2022, and the beginning of 2023.  Keep sending in those event

Upcoming hash events for the month of February 2021 are listed below.  See
the website for more details:

Feb 4-6
Big Hash Campout
Hosted by Little Mo in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Feb 5-7
New Zealand Nash Hash
Hosted by the Pania Plodders H3 at Kenilworth Rd, Hastings, New Zealand.

Feb 12-14
Red Dress Run
Hosted by the Vulcan H3 in Birmingham, AL, USA.

Feb 18-21
Rehab and RDR in Puerto Vallarta
Hosted by the Puerto Vallarta H3 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Feb 26-28 - Postponed to Oct 2021
Philippine Nash Hash
Hosted by the La Union H3 in La Union, Philippines.

See the whole two year calendar of events at         

If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info. 


Hashing is fun!  See you on trail someday . . . :O)

Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
Shoe!  (Since 1998)     


GoToTheHash page on Facebook at

If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let
them know they can sign up by sending an email to

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On on!

This Sunday, 3rd Jan


For today's trail meet at Svay Chrum ferry at 1:45pm:

The trails will finish at the Naga Ferry.

On on!

Sunday Hash officially restarting


Due to the Cambodian Government's decision to allow onsite learning at schools and the removal of limits to group sizes, the Hash has decided to restart normal operations for the Sunday Hash.

Note that normally, we meet at the train station at 1:45pm (during the dry season) on Sunday to take a bus but please check beforehand to be sure.

On on!