Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

Hash closed following government announcement


As per the government's recent announcement, we shall be closing the Hash again and until further notice.

You know what to do!

On on!

This Sunday, November 22 Boat Hash


I have no idea why our maling system randomly sent you that email from August but please ignore it.

To reiterate: This Sunday is a boat (no bbq) Hash and will also feature a sale of our Hash gear so, if you'd like to pick up a Hash t-shirt or other merchandise on the cheap, bring a few dollars. Take a look at the selection here:

We will add an extra $1 to the usual Hash price to cover the cost of the boat (so, $6 for foreigners, $4 for Cambodians and $2 for kids over 4).

NOTE: we are not meeting at the usual riverside location, we will be meeting at 2:00pm opposite the Night Market near here:

On on!

World Hash Events: December 2020

Hello hashers,

Last year with the unfortunate passing of 'Darwin Don', the question arose as to who would carry the mantel of honor as the oldest active hasher.  After a bit of research, the title was bestowed upon 'Noo-key' of the Edmonton H3, DOB 8 Nov 1928.  Since Noo-Key is male, the question was recently posed to me of who the oldest active Harriette might be . . . so once again, looking for input from the hashing world to contribute to this discussion.  Please send me your nominations at and I will present the outcome in a coming email.  Additionally, if you have any topic about hashing you would like to know more about, please let me know and I will do my best to present the results in this forum.


In the Spotlight - Rumson H3
By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell

There are thousands of hash clubs around the world, with many appealing reasons to make the effort to search them out.  Rumson H3 was one of those clubs for me.  I have known about the Rumson H3 for many years, have heard many tales of their exploits, and have even been invited on a few occasions by Gil "Mr. Jackson" Jackson (a.k.a. Mr J).  My good fortunes finally gave me the opportunity to run a trail with the self-proclaimed . . . "Hell's Angels of Hashing."  If your sarcasm senses happen to tingle at all while reading this article, do not be alarmed. 

I rolled into the start location a little early, and met the hare (Keyhole) as he was conducting his final trail prep.   Mr. J was also there, so we had the opportunity to chat a bit.  Soon more cars pulled into the nearly empty parking lot, and after a few brief introductions, the pack assembled 'promptly' at 10:17 am on Saturday morning to run a hash trail, just as advertised on the website.  Gil proudly stated that they have never missed a trail in 42 years, even during the COVID era. 

To provide the historical background, the Rumson H3 was founded on 20 May 1978, from a pool of primordial sludge, by Keith Kanaga and Gil Jackson.  Keith had previously hashed with Mother Hash in Kuala Lumpur, and in 1978 was settling into northern New Jersey, when he met Gil who was an avid runner in the area.  One day Keith mentions this running club he had been part of, and asked Gil if he could reach out to his fellow runners to help him organize a club in the area.  Despite being drafted in 1956 and serving 2 years overseas, Gil had never run a hash before, but was enthusiastic if beer was involved.  Thus, began the legend of Rumson.  While scanning the dark web, I found a few videos of their exploits, including this general overview (, and the infamous Dead Horse Story  ( 

For anyone who has attended an InterAmericas Hash (IAH), you may be aware of the articulate and concerted effort the Rumson Hash has made in their bid presentation . . .  to 'avoid' hosting this biennial event.  Fit with the latest technology (overhead projector and magic markers), Gil or one of the other members, would wax eloquently on the virtues of New Jersey, to wow the crowd.  I recall one such presentation in Panama back in 2013, when the technology was lagging more than usual, so chromatic slides and a flashlight were used to give us amazing low definition views of New Jersey, and what it had to offer.  Sadly, this effort also failed, as Rumson has never been added to the historical list of hosts to IAH. 

Getting back to the trail for this day, a pack of 15 hashers (Men Only) had finally assembled at precisely 10:17 am, and off we went . . . at 10:27.  Marked with flour and chalk, the trail went straight under a train bridge, and into the 'deep' shiggy of New Jersey.  We worked our way through a couple checks on single file grass and dirt tracks, and after about a mile, we found the first beer check.  As you would expect, half the pack had meandered aimlessly off trail, and would take 30 minutes to finally follow their noses to the cooler of German biers provided on this Oktoberfest themed event.  After a few juicy stories, a couple jokes, and gentlemanly banter, we set off on trail again with instructions of how to find the second beer check, which ended up being just a half mile away.  There again, with great amusement, another small cooler of beer was consumed, before covering the final two miles of dirt trails back to the park.  While we were socializing after trail, the hare pulled out a pot of various German sausages to further celebrate the theme, and the stories continued as shown here . . .

Just as Keith had experienced at Mother hash back in the 70s, Rumson does not hold a circle, does not sing songs, and has no formal ceremony of any kind.  They also do not give out names, but some members have acquired nicknames as a matter of course.  Other than Mr. J who is also fondly referred to as "The Chaplain," there is Elephant Dick that some of you may know, who reminded me of your crazy uncle Richard (if your uncle is Richard Dreyfuss).  There was also Keyhole (the hare), Butt Naked, Rear End Wrangler, GI (who I had recently hashed with in Taiwan), and Dead Man Walking . . . which got us started on the old man conversation of comparing scars.  Going around the circle, one had just gotten a new shoulder, another had a knee replacement, others have had various heart related surgeries (like myself), and a busted hip or two.  Out of all that, who do you think would be the healthiest . . . the invariable Teflon Don himself, The Chaplain, with no medical scars or ailments of any significance in his 86 years of life. 

A few other Interesting bits I found in my research, was a mention that Rumson H3 might be the second or third oldest hash in the USA.  Intrigued by this comment, knowing it was not the second oldest, I took a look in the genealogy.  There I discovered that the Rumson H3 is actually the 13th oldest hash club recorded (and 11th currently active) in the USA, behind Ft Eustis H3 in Virginia, DC Men's H3, and the Little Rock H3 in Arkansas, being the first three, respectively.  More on that later, but at 86, Mr J also claims he is the oldest active hasher in USA, also anchoring what he claimed as the oldest pack in the world with an average age of regular active hashers of 64, by his count.  Surprisingly, at 56, I was not the youngest hasher in attendance on this day. 

With the run completed, the fest food and bier consumed, and several other good stories of Rumson H3 lore, the pack started to break up and go home.  Then GI mentions there is another hash, just 30 minutes away, starting in a couple hours . . . say no more.  It was off to the Summit Hash for another Oktoberfest themed trail, but that is a tale for another day.  If you are ever in northern New Jersey on a Saturday morning, and bring your own sausage, you should not miss the opportunity to run with the Rumson Hash House Harriers.  I thoroughly enjoyed it. 


Following up on my comments in the article above, I provide here the OLDEST HHH CLUBS IN THE USA.  I ran with the Fort Eustis H3 for 3 years back in the 90s, and have also run with the DC Men's H3 on a few occasions, and knew of their long standing battle for which is the oldest or longest running club in the USA.  While researching the Rumson H3, I dug a little deeper to ascertain which clubs were formed in the 1970s, and the hash genealogy listed the following 19 hash clubs.  Some clubs take this very seriously, as to who was first, or who is the longest running, etc.  This list is not to debate any of that, it is merely a list of reported founding dates.  I would be happy to review any information or corrections on these clubs, or any club that may have been missed.

Date            Club                            State   Active
1971-11-08      Fort Eustis H3                  VA      Yes
1972-05-23      District of Colombia H3                 DC      Yes
1974-08-04      Little Rock H3                  AR      Yes
1975-01-01      Jog-In Running River Rats H3    CA      No
1975-08-31      Laurel Highlands H3             PA      No
1976-02-01      Boston H3                       MA      Yes
1977-03-17      Chicago H3                      IL      Yes
1977-11-30      Madison H3                      WI      Yes
1977-12-03      Philadelphia H3                 PA      Yes
1978-01-21      New York City H3                NY      Yes
1978-03-16      Honolulu Hawaii H3 (H5) HI      Yes
1978-05-15      La Jolla H3                     CA      Yes
1978-05-20      Rumson H3                       NJ      Yes
1978-05-21      District of Colombia H4         DC      Yes
1978-10-01      Dallas H3                       TX      Yes
1979-04-29      East Bay H3                     CA      Yes
1979-05-21      Houston H3                      TX      Yes
1979-10-10      Princeton H3                    NJ      Yes
1979-12-31      Waukesha H3                     WI      Yes


If you have not been tracking on fellow hash house harrier historian Shakesprick's brilliant efforts, he has also been digging into the days of yore and presenting some very interesting details of hashing.  You can see all his monthly publications posted at or   

But don't stop there, you can also find much more accumulated hash history at


From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .





Upcoming hash events for the month of December 2020 are listed below.  See the website for more details:   

Dec 1-4 - Postponed to Jul 2021
Birthday Bash
Hosted by Wild Wolf Productions in Pattaya, Thailand.

Dec 2-9 and/or 9-16
Caribbean Cruise Hashing
This cruise sets sail from St. Georges, Grenada.

See the whole two year calendar of events at         

If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info. 


Hashing is fun!  See you on trail someday . . . :O)

Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!  (Since 1998)     


GoToTheHash page on Facebook at

If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let them know they can sign up by sending an email to

On on!

Sunday Hash suspended until further notice


Due to the government's decision to close schools, clubs, entertainment, large gatherings, etc, the Phnom Penh Sunday Hash will be suspended until further notice.

Remember what we did last time? 2:00pm. If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask somebody!
On on!

This Sunday, November 8


For this Sunday's Hash we will be meeting at the ferry port near Naga as usual. Please arrive at 2:15pm. Ferry here:

On on!

This Sunday, November 01 (no bus)


The trail for the Sunday Hash is set.

There is no bus this week due to the number of people in Pailin.

Meet at the ferry opposite Naga World at 2:00pm.

On on!

This Sunday, 25th October

The trail has been set for Sunday.

This week, we return to our roots with a trail that has more than 4 corners and 1 check and comes it at under 10km (only 'cos Gadget, the big girl's blouse, asked for a 6km run 😄).

Meet in front of the train station at 1:45 pm ( or the ferry opposite Naga World 2:00 pm.

We will start the trail at Prek Bongkong Pagoda.

On on!