Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

New meet time of 1:45pm for Sunday Hash

Hi All,

As the evenings' are getting darker earlier and the bus affords us to occassionally travel further afield, we are moving the meeting time forward to 1:45pm.

So, from now on meet at the train station at 1:45pm unless instructed otherwise.

On on!

This Sunday, 18th October


Tomorrow's run start point is Angkor Chey Wat by the Cambodia Buddhist Center off Highway 

We'll be going by bus. Meet at the train station at 2:15pm.

On on!

Last chance to register for Pailin


The Pailin Outstation run happening over Water Festival (Oct 30 - Nov 01) is filling up (31 seats taken). Register now to secure your place.

On on!

This Sunday, 4th Oct. The Truck Is Back!


Time to go somewhere different for a change.

This Sunday's trail will depart from Velkommen Guesthouse BY TRUCK you must WEAR A MASK. Meet at 2:15pm here:

If you do not bring a mask, we will sell you one at EXTORTIONATE PRICES! (Actually they will be quite reasonable.)

On on!

10km Phnom Penh running competition, 11th October

Hi All,

The Phnom Penh 10km run competition is happening on Sunday, 11th October. It starts at 6:00 am at the Sokha Hotel.

It costs $20 to enter a team and $5 to enter as an individual.

Note, this is not a Hash event. Please express your interest with an email to

On on!

Fwd: World Hash Events: November 2020

Hello hashers,

Many locations are still in the grip of COVID restrictions, some locations are open to only local residents, while a few other countries are starting to open up to visitors.  I also, after 5 months of restricted hashing to my local island, have now boarded a plane and made a move to new destinations.  Over the past month China has successfully hosted the 20th All China Nash Hash, along with other events in Guam, Croatia, Spain, Switzerland, and the USA.  Unfortunately, many other events continued to be cancelled or postponed, as you can see from the November listing below.

As always, I wish all hashers around the world safe, fun, and shiggy trails.  Hope to see many more of you soon.


In the Spotlight - Genealogy of the Hash House Harriers
By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell
27 Sep 2020

Many hashers were first introduced to the Genealogy of the Hash House Harriers at INTERHASH 1998, where a long scroll of paper was laid out on a table.  This scroll contained listings of several hundred hash clubs that had been formed over the previous 60 years (at that time), and currently contains over 2000 listings.  The Hash Genealogy <> project provides a historical listing of all known hash clubs, and was created by Bill "Tumbling Bill" Panton.  Tumbling Bill (TB) ran his first hash in 1954, but did not take to it initially due to an already active schedule.  TB would return to hashing in 1958, and become a prolific hasher for the rest of his life attending hash events well into his 80s.  Initially, finding another hash club was all word of mouth.  As the sphere of hash clubs expanded, and hashers started traveling to events at other clubs, TB began collecting club contacts and even actively searched them out <>.   These efforts created a simple listing that was mailed to each of the other known hash clubs.  Early listings show 41 clubs by March 1974 <>, 54 by December 1974 <>, and by the end of 1975 <>, he had amassed a listing of 68 clubs in 23 countries.  As detailed as they were, a few notable clubs were missing (e.g. Ft Eustis H3 in Virginia, and Durban H3 in South Africa, both founded in 1971).  The listing continued to grow, and TB looked for a way to connect them, so turned to simple ancestry methods which with the assistance of Mike Lyons in 1994, a computer program was applied which led to that first long paper scroll at INTERHASH 98.  Even that became cumbersome over time, and TB looked to Neil Campbell for a more capable web based application that could be shared on the internet <>.  In conjunction with TB's efforts, a small group of hashers were building national and regional websites with contact listings of local hash clubs that expanded on the initial listings that Magic, Mr Spock, and others had been publishing in booklets that were mailed out for a small fee.  After that first meeting with TB in 1998, these regional webmasters started coordinating, and hash club contacts can be found at <>. 

As a follow on to this information, the regional webmasters need your assistance with keeping your club contacts up to date.  The USA contacts maintained by RA are fully self-service, and can be updated by accessing your specific state page, and updating or adding info.  This website also includes contacts for South & Central America, and the Caribbean.  For the other regions, you will find information to update via a form or email submission to the webmasters.  So help out your fellow hasher, and keep your club info up to date for traveling hashers to find you.


UPDATE:  After posting my initial review of the first hash clubs on each continent last month, a flurry of different discussions ensued, including a few corrections.  The list has been updated as follows: (First Hash Club on each continent)

** Asia - Hash House Harriers in 1938 (a.k.a. Mother Hash) Kuala Lumpur, Malaya (now Malaysia)
** Europe - Dhekelia H3 in 1967 (Jan) (on Cyprus)
** Australia - Sydney H3 in 1967 (Sep)
** Zealandia - Auckland H3 in 1970
** Africa - Durban H3 in 1971 (Sep) (in South Africa)
** North America - Ft Eustis H3 in 1971 (Nov) (in Virginia)
** South America - Lima H3 in 1980 (in Peru)
** Antarctica - Casey H4 in 1990

The first club in Australia has been debated for many years, between Hobart and Sydney.  The listings in the Hash Genealogy were inconclusive, but TicToc and Bigamist provided additional information giving the edge to Sydney being founded in Sep 1967, compared to Oct 1967 for Hobart.   Captain from New Zealand pointed out that Auckland was first on Zealandia.  I also did some more research and found Durban was first in Africa.  This is by no means a definitive list, it is just the best info found to date.  If you have specific information of an older club on a specific continent, please let me know.


History is a damn fool thing, and the more I dig into the history of the hash, the more I find (I won't call it false, just the best someone came up with at the time) some items need to be updated.  One quote in particular is, as credited to Phil Kirkland of the Hong Kong Hash who once stated in 1978;


I recently found that very quote in the Melbourne H3 100th Run hash document dated 24 March 1974.  There is no attribution, but was likely thrown around well before that. 


From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .





Upcoming hash events for the month of November 2020 are listed below.  See the website for more details:   

Nov 4-11 and / or Nov 11-18
Caribbean Cruise Hashing
This cruise sets sail from St. Georges, Grenada.

Nov 6-8
Down Island
Hosted by the China H3 in Yilan County, Taiwan.

Nov 6-8
Wye Valley YHA Weekend
Hosted by the Bull Moon H3, Warwick H3, & N.E.W. Cotswold H3 in Herefordshire, UK.

Nov 12-16 - Postponed Indefinitely
50 Years of Hashing in Hong Kong
Hosted by the collective hash clubs of Hong Kong in Hong Kong.

Nov 13-15
Desertfest #2
Hosted by the Holyland H3 possibly at the Dead Sea in Israel.

Nov 13-15
Red Dress Run
Hosted by the Bell-Scott H3 in Bellville, IL, USA.

Nov 20-22 - Postponed to 2021
Cambodia Nash Hash
Hosted by the Phnom Penh H3 in Kampot, Cambodia.

Nov 27-29 - Postponed to 2021
Mekong Indochina Hash
Hosted by the Yangon H3 in Yangon, Myanmar.

Nov 28-29
2000th Run Weekend
Hosted by the Capital H3 in Wellington, New Zealand.

See the whole two year calendar of events at         

If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info. 


Hashing is fun!  See you on trail someday . . . :O)

Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!  (Since 1998)     


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On on!