Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

This Sunday's Hash, 27th October


This Sunday, 27th's Boat (no bbq) Hash has been set. Meet at 2:15pm on the riverside by the statue of the two horsemen. Departing on the dot of 2:30pm, don't be late!

On on!

This Sunday, 27th Oct Boat (no bbq) Hash


Don't forget that this week is erection weekend where, in our corrupt kakistocracy, we elect a new committee. To celebrate, we will be having a Boat (no bbq, bring snacks) Hash this Sunday. Watch this space for the 2:15pm meeting point.

The Hash is a volunteer run organisation and we are always looking for new people to join the gang and help disorganise. (Main benefit: drinking while pretending to plan shit). If you'd like to join, let us know!

On on!

Pailin Outstation registration (Water Festival)

Hi Hashers,

If you would like to register for the Outstation trip to Pilain, please complete the form at this link (includes event details):

Please note that there is a max of 40 seats and priority will be given to regular Hashers (those who have attended 15 runs or set a trail in the last 6 months).

Please submit by 11th October. 

On on!

This Sunday, 19th Sept trail


This Sunday's trail has been set, a nice short 8km trail due to so many of you running the Ekkiden. Meet at the ferry terminal at 2:15pm (

On on!

This Sunday's Hash, 13th September

The Trail is set, lots of scenic country roads and long checks for all of the FRB's.... meet as usual at Naga ferry port....2.15pm for 2.30pm departure

On on!

Ekiden to Kampong Chnang, 17th September

Hi Hashers,

On 17th September (during Pchum Ben) we will have an Ekdien run to Kampong Chnang.

For those that don't know, an Ekiden is a long distance relay run. So, one runner will be out at a time (accompanied by one or two cyclists) and those waiting their turn  will be in minibuses. You can run any number of kilometres and you can run multiple times.

Prices have not been set yet but are typically low as it just covers the minibus and beer costs (and does not include the hotel cost but we will provide options in due course).

Please let us know if you're interested in joining us. If you're on Facebook, follow the link below, otherwise, write to

On on!