Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

This Sunday, 30th August, Boat and Bbq Hash


Join us for a boat ride, walk, run, drink & bbq for $10 inclusive of free-flow drinks. We'll meet on the riverside near the statue of two horsemen opposite Wat Ounalom at 2:15pm ( 

On on!

Fwd: World Hash Events: October 2020

Hello hashers, 

It appears that some locations are seeing a resurgence of COVID, and headed back to social distancing trails and Zoom (Jamaica, Trinidad, and Hawaii, as well as others).  Some are looking good, and are going forward with opening up.  As far as events go, in a review of those previously published for the next 2-3 months, several more have been cancelled or postponed.  Check out the website for the status as best can be identified.


In the Spotlight - The Greatest HHH Hoax of All Time

Several years ago, when I really started to dig into the HHH History, I recalled an article I saw in the INTERHASH 98 INFOMAG titled "The Royal Bordighera Hash House Harriers - The World's Second Hash" . . . . . . and was intrigued to learn more.  So I conducted a search, and finally tracked down Robert "Bwana" Walker.  Exchanging several emails over the period of a couple weeks, he confirmed and added to the story that I eventually posted on my website.  As a side note, earlier this year I had the good fortune to hash on Cyprus with the Dhekelia H3.  I was chatting with the GM, who proudly made the statement that Dhekelia H3 was the second oldest hash, but the "longest running" hash in Europe (referring to the now defunct Bordighera H3 in Italy founded back in 1947).  Additionally, a couple hashers also made reference to the Bordighera H3 last month when I posted a story about Harriettes, and that included the Top 10 oldest hash clubs.  So hence the following . . . and for those Paul Harvey fans, here is . . . "The Rest of the Story"

Soon after I published my article "Hash Club #2:  Hash House Harriers Bordighera" ( I was contacted by Iain "Amnesia" Belton who had some serious misgivings to the validity of this hash club.  He undertook a project to validate the story, but after extensive research, he found that no trace of the identified people (hashers and claimants) could be found.  While it is nearly impossible to prove something did not happen or exist (in this case, the Bordighera H3), no evidence could be found that it actually did exist.  Unfortunately, Bwana has passed away, and with him, the myth of the of the Bordighera H3.  You can review Amnesia's research at     

Getting back to my visit to the Dhekelia H3, I informed the GM of all this information, and let him know that Dhekelia was in fact the first Hash Club in Europe, as well as the longest running.  For the record, on 30 Jan 1967, Ray Thornton assisted by Jim Pell, John Symons, and N. Gris Davis-Scourfield, founded the Dhekelia H3.  Another interesting point about the Dhekelia H3, since they were founded in the 60s before the advent of the Jakarta Circle in the 70s, they do not conduct a circle. Just a great trail, drink some beer, laugh, joke, socialize, and occasionally enjoy a social dinner after trail.

The first hash clubs on each continent are as follows: (note: If you have knowledge of any corrections, I will happily research to update this list)

** Asia - Hash House Harriers in 1938 (a.k.a. Mother Hash or KL H3) Kuala Lumper, Malaya
** Europe - Dhekelia H3 in 1967 (Jan) (on Cyprus)
** Australia - Hobart 1967 (2 Oct) closely followed by Sydney H3 in 1967 (9 Oct) [until Zealandia gets its due . . . New Zealand = Wellington in 1976]
** Africa - Nairobi H3 in 1971 (Oct) (in Kenya)
** North America - Ft Eustis H3 in 1971 (Nov) (in Virginia) 
** South America - Lima H3 in 1980 (in Peru)
** Antarctica - Casey H4 in 1990


Some hashers may not be aware that Hare & Hound (a.k.a. Paper Chase) was a popular kids game in the United Kingdom (in Rugby School) throughout the 1800s (possibly earlier) and early 1900s (and spread throughout the world as British Expats were posted overseas), well before the founding of the Hash House Harriers in 1938.  Hare & Hound clubs could even be found in the United States in the early 1900s.  The popularity was highlighted in an edition of Sport Story magazine published in 1929.  To read more history of the Hash House Harriers, see

A bit of Trivia . . . many Hare & Hound / Paper Chase clubs faded away in the United Kingdom back in the 1970s, due to litter laws (as they used paper to mark trail).  The Longmoor H3 is credited as being the first HHH club founded in the UK, back in 1969.  Hashing remains very popular in the UK, yet (like other locations) they occasionally have biohazard alerts due to reports of white powder spread in the streets.


From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .





Upcoming hash events for the month of October 2020 are listed below.  See the website for more details:   

Oct 2-4 - Cancelled
Dutch Nash Hash
Hosted by the Amsterdam H3 in Oisterwijk, Netherlands.

Oct 2-4 - Postponed to 2021
OctoBEERfest Ginnie Springs
Hosted by the Wildcard H3 in High Springs, FL, USA.

Oct 2-4 - Cancelled
1500th Run
Hosted by the Warsaw H3 in Warsaw, Poland.

Oct 2-4
Green Dress Run
Hosted by the hash clubs of Portland, in Portland, OR, USA.

Oct 2-6 - Postponed to 2021
3000th Hash
Hosted by the Episkopi H3 in Episkopi, Cyprus (Greece).

Oct 3-5 - Cancelled
Colombia Nash Hash: Cartagena
Hosted by the Bogota H3 & Medellin H3, in Cartagena, Colombia.

Oct 9-10 - Postponed to 2021
3rd Sarawak Nash Hash
Hosted by the Miri Oil Town H3 in Miri, Malaysia.

Oct 9-11
Hosted by the Corpus Christi H3 in Corpus Christi, TX, USA.

Oct 16-18
Green Dress Run
Hosted by the Portland H3 in Portland, OR, USA.

Oct 16-18
Hosted in the lovely city of Helen, GA, USA.

See the whole two year calendar of events at         

If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info. 


Hashing is fun!  See you on trail someday . . . :O)

Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!  (Since 1998)     


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Boat & BBQ Hash this Sunday, 30th August


This Sunday we'll be having a boat and Bbq Hash, we'll go to Koh Okna Tei.

Look out for updates on meeting place and the price.

On on!

This Sunday, 23rd August

Hi Hashers,

For this Sunday's trail, meet at 2:15pm at the ferry on Chroy Changvar opposite the Japanese Friendship Bridge here:

On on!

Sunday Hash 9th August - Boat Hash (no BBQ)

Boat Hash to Silk Island.

Meet opposite La Croisette on the riverside at 2:15PM Sunday.

There is no BBQ on this hash. Boat is for transport only. Usual liquid refreshments supplied, $5 foreigners, $3 Khmers.

On On!

This Sunday, 2ng August trail


This week's trail will start from Scoutmaster's house, south of Takmau. We are still not using the truck so please arrange your own transport to get there. Allow 30 - 40 mintues for travel time and aim to arrive for 2:45pm.

There will be a bbq and consequently a price of $8.

The house is opposite here: 

On on!