Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

Wednesday Inauguration of Wuhan Outstation


Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers' Sunday Hash is now suspended until further notice.

The Inaugural Wuhan Outstation run is going ahead this Wednesday. Meet at 4:30pm at Velkommen Guesthouse on Street 144.

On on!

Fwd: In the Spotlight – Bahrain

In the Spotlight – Bahrain
By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell
21 Mar 2020

The Kingdom of Bahrain is an archipelago of over 30 small islands located in the Persian Gulf, and has its capital in Manama, on the main island of Bahrain.   Bahrain was the first place oil was discovered in the region, but due to its size, it appears it will also be the first to deplete its resources.  Forward thinking, the government has diversified into tourism, and becoming a hub of the financial sector.  Bahrain is also the home of several hash clubs, with the Bahrain H3 first invading on 7 Dec 1972.  Founded by Geoff Whitehead, formerly with the Singapore H3, the Bahrain H3 has spawned over a dozen other hash clubs in the region, as well as in Asia and Europe.  A common theme in several locations, the first spawn comes with a bit of drama. 

The next hash to form was the Bahrain Black H3 (a.k.a. the Bland Hash), and has its roots sprouting from the early days of the Bahrain Hash, and a hasher named Norman Moore.  Norman, being a purest in the traditions of the original hash back in Kuala Lumpur, was frustrated with the path the Bahrain hash was taking, basically getting too soft.  Thus, he created the legend of the Black Hash, as it was whispered about in jest during the weekly hash runs.  Intrigued by this sentiment, Ted "Tumbling Ted" Lutley added to the lore, with more outlandish rumors of the Black Hash.  He eventually teamed up with a former GM, Bob Tait, to set more difficult trails. 

On the occasion of Bahrain H3 Trail #613 that was to be run on 23 Jul 1984, while drafting the instructions for the start location, the hares (Lutley & Tate) agreed to call it the Black Hash.  Commemorative T-shirts were produced to mark the event, and soon after became coveted hash attire.  Based on the success of that first event, the pair teamed up to conduct Black Hash runs every few months, with the fifth and final one being set on 10 Mar 1986.  Intermixed with these events over the years, there was much grumbling about Bahrain needing a second hash club, but nothing really became of it, until . . .       

The Bahrain Black H3 (or simply, "the Black Hash," was officially founded by Gordon "Black Head" Clarke on 5 May 1986, assisted by Ted "Tumbling Ted" Lutley, Dorelle "Cloth-Head" Clarke, Arshed "Cowshed" Mubarak, and probably a few others.  As Tumbling Ted explained it, the founding of a second hash initially created quite a stir, so much so that at first, the Bahrain hashers stated the term Black Hash belonged to them.  In a conciliatory fashion, and to try to keep support from other hashers, they temporarily called it "the alternate hash."  Unfortunately, the unfriendly rift persisted for several years, with many hashers taking sides and only running with their chosen club.  The rift has faded over the ensuing decades, with time, and the departure of some of the original protagonists, and today the rift is only jokingly referred to. 

More recently, the Bahrain Independent Trail Chasers Hash House Harriers (BITCH3) was established on 6 Apr 2018.  As indicated on their website, a consortium of hashers (One Rung Pussy Driver, Dick On The Table (D.O.T.T), Rapid Cherokee Choker, Scouts Anal, and Head With My Mom) created this bi-weekly hash on Friday, to allow for maximum participation.  The website details the 32 rules, or rather guiding principles, that the hash club adheres to.  Lordy lordy, yes . . . rules.

I recently arrived in Bahrain for the 20th running of the regional INTERGULF event.  Originally established in Qatar, the first four occurrences were held there between 1979 and 1995.  Bahrain hosted the first INTERGULF outside Qatar in 1996, and then again in 1998, 2002, 2015, and now again in 2020.  This current event has been planned for over the past year, and the website boasted of nearly 60 hashers on the "Who's Cumming" list with less than two weeks to go before the event.  Then, on 11 Mar, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 virus a pandemic.  The world began folding up their lawn furniture, rolling up the sidewalks, and continued on with lock downs, cancelled flights, and an ever-increasing list of restrictions. 

In the end, all but one international visitor decided, or were forced, to drop out.  As you may deduce, I was the only hasher to successfully arrive in Bahrain, only due to my scheduled trip to Jordan being cancelled.  Heading directly from Cairo, I arrived a few days earlier than planned, and was on the first plane to arrive since Bahrain elevated simple temperature screening to full blown nasal swabs virus testing and quarantining (which actually occurred while we were flying), until results were accessed.  After a 10 hour wait in a makeshift medical facility on a back lot of the airport, the entire plane of 50 passengers all test negative for the virus, and were subsequently released into the kingdom.

There was concern that INTERGULF would need to be cancelled due to ever increasing restrictions, and the Thursday evening pub crawl was in fact cancelled (since all the bars were ordered to be closed).  Undaunted, the hash must go on and 11 hearty hashers turned up for the main event trail out in the desert.  The runners' trail consisted of one hare and two hounds, and we took off into the hills for what turned out to be an excellent 11+ Km trail of rolling hills, oil pipe lines, and sand.  The walkers had one hare and seven walkers, that set out to beat the runners back into the finish. The walkers achieved their goal finishing in under an hour, as the runners popped up over the final dune about 20 minutes later, just as dark was settling over the site. Keeping our social distance, we conducted a circle and even managed to name one hasher . . . SLITHER.  This may be the smallest regional international hash event in history.  Great day of minimum 2 meters distance between hashers in the era of COVID-19.   

For many more articles like this on the history of hashing, check out . . .
On on!

For this Sunday (22nd) Hash

This week's run and walk will be over the river at Areiy Ksatr. Meet at the ferry near Naga World at 2:30pm. Pretend all your co-hashers are diseased, keep 2 meters away from them and greet them Cambodia style! There will be no truck this week. On on!

On on!

Fwd: INTERHASH has been postponed until 15-19 Apr 2021

INTERHASH has been postponed until 15-19 Apr 2021 , , , see attached letter.

On on!

Quick Update, no bar crawl this Friday, 20th March

Hi Hashers,

Just a quick note to let you know that the St. Patrick's Day bar crawl planned for this Friday has been cancelled as we know you're all crawling with diseases!

On on!

Fwd: In the Spotlight – Egypt

In the Spotlight – Egypt
By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell
16 Mar 2020

Everyone knows that Egypt has those amazing Pyramids, tombs of many ancient kings including King Tut, the mouth of the Nile river, and the Sphynx.  Egypt has such a long history, trying to paraphrase it to a few key items would be a disservice.  There have also been a series of revolutions and attempted constitutional changes over recent decades, that also cannot be condensed into anything comprehensive enough to grasp the complexity, so let's just talk about hashing.  Despite the continued upheavals, the hash continues to give people in Cairo a chance to get away from it all and enjoy the good company of their fellow hashers. 

Located on the North-Eastern most point of the African Continent, Egypt has seen many hash clubs come and go.  According to the current GM, the first attempt to start a hash in Cairo in Feb 1980 lasted just about 2 months and fell over.  A few short months later, the same group got it going again when Adrian Hromiak organized the current and longstanding Cairo H3, running its first trail on 19 Oct 1980.  On my recent visit, the Cairo H3 enjoyed their 2089th consecutive trail in Egypt.  According to the hash genealogy, other hash clubs that have come and gone include the Alexandria H3 (a.k.a. the Delta H3), founded by Angus McComiskey on 27 Aug 1984; the Heliopolis Atomic Breakfast H3, founded by Stan "Organ-iza" Andrzejewski on 06 Feb 1998; and the second coming of the Delta H3, founded by Jimmy Riddel on 01 Mar 2009, who had previously been hashing in Dhaka. 

To get some more background on hashing in Egypt, I turned to my old friend Ra (and when I say old, I mean he is old . . . not me).  Ra lived in Cairo from 1989 to 1994, and stated he was the RA of the Cairo hash for about three years up until just before his departure.  Some of the highlights from Ra included the world's entirely first underwater hash held on 9 November 1990 at Sharm El Sheikh over near the Sinai. He stated that "in addition to a land-based hash that weekend, a fully underwater hash dead-hare trail was laid using fluorescent orange aluminum squares 1-inch on a side. 5 hares served as safety divers and leaders of groups of 4-5 scuba Hashers which set off with a delay so each group could break trail out of sight of the previous and succeeding groups. Fortunately, everyone (barely) survived."  Ra also pointed out that "on 22 March 1996, Cairo Hash held a Hash which left Africa and emerged in Asia, by running through a yet to be flooded irrigation tunnel under the Suez Canal. More than 100 people ran the trail which was around Port Said and finished with a run through the tunnel to arrive in Sinai." 

The Cairo hash currently runs every Friday, often meeting outside the Ace Club in Ma'Adi at 1300, before driving out to some place in the desert to run awesome trails.  Most people are probably aware that Egypt has an arid desert type environment.  Checking through the climactic history shows that Cairo experiences on average, just one inch of rain per year.  On Thursday of my recent visit, Cairo experienced a near biblical downpour of over 3 inches of rain that flooded out many parts of the city.  Water service was actually discontinued in parts of the city to reduce the flow into the backed-up sewage systems.  This torrential downpour also flooded the intended trail site, leaving some areas unpassable.  Despite all this, the hash goes on.  Changing gears, the hares reorganized a 5 Km city run that weaved its way through and around many flooded streets, leading to beer checks in their homes along the way.  The finish was at the GM's place of residence, where we got to witness the story he explained earlier on trail.  There on the street, was his vehicle with a tree tipped over on it, crushing the roof and hood (bonnet).  Right next to the vehicle, on the side walk, was a small one-man guard shack also partially crushed.  On the bright side, the guard who was sitting in the shack at the time the tree fell over, claims the car saved his life, as he certainly would have been crushed had it not broken the tree's fall.  Talk about having . . . a lucky day.

Anyway, making our way to the roof, we enjoyed a rousing circle alongside the rooftop pool.  After 30-40 minutes, and nearly finished anyway, oncoming rain broke up the circle, so we all hiked on back to the Ace Club for some dinner and a few more beers.  As you might expect, hash songs spontaneously broke out, and fueled by more beers, lasted for a good hour or more.  In the end, a grand time was had, and off we went back into the drizzle to find a hot shower and dry clothes.  Here's to the continued success to the Cairo H3, with many more awesome trails.

For many more articles like this on the history of hashing, check out . . .
On on!

The trail for Sunday, 14th March is set

Tomorrow's Run will start from Wat Poon Phnom (Poon Phnom Pagoda). Meet at the train station at 2:15pm.

On on!