Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

Hareline Report

Hareline Report - 17th November - BALD!

We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).

3 NOV - Ali Wank Bonk and Tinkerbell.

10 NOV - Flaccido Domingo and Rolling Bitch, pending confirmation

17 NOV - Bald!

24 NOV - Sucking Fag + trainee hare??? (go on!)

Relive 'P2H3, 20th October trail in Sangkat Preaek Ta Sek'

Click to watch!

Hareline Report - 17th November - BALD!

Hareline Report - 17th November - BALD!
We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).
27 OCT - Smelly Codpiece and Tony Bajada
3 NOV - Ali Wank Bonk and Tinkerbell.
10 NOV - Flaccido Domingo and Rolling Bitch, pending confirmation
17 NOV - Bald!
24 NOV - Bald!

Sunday Hash 20th October

Run for Sunday's Hash is set. Thanks to co-hare Lars. Starting point is here: Sangkat Preaek Ta Sek, Phnom Penh,
See you all at the railway station at 2:15PM.
On, On!
Vestal Virgin.

Relive 'Last Sunday's Hash Run. Thanks to the hares.'

Hareline Report

Hareline Report - 10th November - BALD!
We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).
20 OCT - Vestal Virgin + wannabe hare in training???
27 OCT - Smelly Codpiece and Tony Bajada
3 NOV - Ali Wank Bonk and Tinkerbell.
10 NOV - Bald!
17 NOV - Bald!
24 NOV - Bald!

Sunday Hash 13th October

The trail is set thanks to my co-hares Jay and Surfing Cindy. We're going to Phnom Prasit for a good long walk and decent run. For those driving, we'll be starting near the top of the north hill, about 150 meters down the road from the peak at the usual spot - Meet at the train station at 2:15pm.

Sucking Fag. On on!