Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

Sunday Hash 14th July

The trail is set for tomorrow (Sunday 14 July). The Hares are Jo-Arne Selbo and Smelly Codpiece. The walk is approximately 5 km and the run is approximately 12 km.
Meet at the Railway Station at 2.15 pm.
For those who wish to make their own way to the start point it is here: 11°44'49.0"N 105°00'47.3"E, 11.746950, 105.013137 ( on the open ground at the Eastern entrance to Sovannavatty Pagoda.

On On!

Sunday Hash 7th July

The wonderful, great 4th of July hash has been set. The best run/walk ever. Best autobahns, best trails, best hares. Flyovers, tanks, fireworks. And the walls - big, beautiful walls, more being built even now. Hares are: Beaver Shot, Thalidoskid, and Shit Unamikazi.

It's a boat/BBQ. Price $8/$5. Meet at 2:15PM on the riverside, opposite Wat Ounnalom -

On On!

Something for your calendar

Provisional Hash calendar:

* 7th Jul, 4th July boat and bbq run
* 25th Aug, Committee Erection
* 27th Sep, Pchum Ben, Outstation to Kampot
* 12th Nov, Mekong Indochina Hash.
* 14th Dec, Hash Christmas Ball.

Committee Erection 25th August - nominate!

The erections are nearly upon us for 2019! Interested in helping run the hash? Here are the positions you can nominate yourself (or someone else!) for:


Hash Cash
Hash Beer
Hash Haberdashery
Song Master
Hash Design
Beer Bitch
Hash Whore (new position, promotes the Hash)
Hash Stats
Hash Scribe
Hash Tech Head
Hash Flash


Hareline Report - 21 July BALD!

Hareline Report - 21 July BALD!
We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).

7 JUL - American Independence Day run, always the best hash of the year. Boat & BBQ Hash ($8/$5)! Hares are: Beaver Shot, Thalidoskid, and Shit Unamikazi. !
14 JUL - Possibly Flaccido, unless you step forward first!
21 JUL - BALD!
28 JUL - BALD!

Hareline report - 30 June BALD!

Hareline Report - 30 June BALD!
We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).
30 JUN - BALD!
7 JUL - American Independence Day run, always the best hash of the year, hares are: Beaver Shot, Thalidoskid, and Shit Unamikazi. !
14 JUL - BALD!
21 JUL - BALD!
28 JUL - BALD!