Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

Sunday Hash 9th June

This Sunday's trail will be around Udong temple set by Thalidoskid, Squeeze me in and Sovath.
The starting point is here, right hand side at the first intersection of Udong temple and meditation centre. 11°47'59.2"N 104°46'01.6"E
We'll be meeting at 2:15pm Sunday at train station and hopefully to leave right away at 2:30pm as it'll take us approximately 1:15h to get there.
Hope to see our awesome hashers tmr. Off Off, opss, On On 😁

Follow Flaccido on his run!

Hareline Report - 23 June BALD!

Hareline Report - 23 June BALD!

We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).
9 JUN - Squeeze Me In, Thalidoskid, Sovath
16 JUN - Smelly Codpiece & Richard Robinson
23 JUN - BALD!
30 JUN - BALD!
7 JUL - Sir Pants

Sunday Hash 2nd June

Sunday's Hash will begin and end somewhere close to Wat Kien Svay Krao. . Probably inside the pagoda grounds, depending upon what the locals are up to at the time!
Hares are Sucking Fag and IT Can't Paint. See you at the railway station at 2:15PM!
On On!

Hareline Report - 16 June BALD!

Hareline Report - 16 June BALD!

We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).

2 JUN - Sucking Fag and IT Can't Paint.
9 JUN - Squeeze Me In, Thalidoskid, Sovath
23 JUN - BALD!
7 JUL - Sir Pants

Relive 'Running the trail.'

Watch an animation of last Sunday's run!



Sunday Hash 25 May

Sunday's trail is set. It will start from Sarikakeo Pagoda. Meet at the PP train station at 2:15pm or 2:30pm at Naga Ferry.
Sarikakeo Pagoda location -

Hare is Flaccido Domingo.

On On!