Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

Sunday Hash 4th November

Nice short 8km (4km walk) this week at Phnom Prasit. This time starting at the top of the hill (our usual half-way point, just down the road from the North Prasit Pagoda). The penalty for shortcutting is beheading!

Hares are Sucking Fag and Thalidoskid.

See you at the railway station at 2:15PM!

On On!

Sunday Hash 28 October

Tomorrow's trail is set. Hares are Flaccido Domingo and Emma Power. It will start from opposite Koh Krobey Pagoda. Meet at the train station at 2pm. For those who want to drive straight to the start, use the google map.,104.967772&shorturl=1
near Sangkat Preaek Thmei, Phnom Penh

Hareline Report - rogained!

Hareline Report - pretty good actually! Co hares for 28th and 11th welcome!

We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).

28 OCT - Flaccido Domingo & *virgin hare* (I'm talking to YOU dear HHH reader!)
4 NOV - Sucking Fag & Thalidoskid
11 NOV - Big Man Go & and *a co-hare* (volunteers welcome!)
18 NOV - From Behing & tony starks brother
21 - 23 NOV - Kratie Outstation Run!

Sunday Hash 21st October

Pussy Riot Run Sunday 21st October. Coordinates for starting point off Hun Sen Boulevard. Meet at the Train Station at 2.15pm. On On!

Kratie Outstation run - update!

We're having a run or three in Kratie while the Water Festival is on - November 21st to 23rd.
- $35 foreigners, who've hared
- $25 Cambodians, who've hared
- $55 standard price, if you have not hared
- $10 kids (no t-shirt).

The trip includes: bus fare, 3 runs, 2 meals, and a t-shirt. Bus leaves from the train station at 5AM on the 21st.

Hotel: We will be staying at . We will make a group reservation. If you want to find people to share a room with, please post in the Facebook event page or do the old fashioned thing and call someone.
If you want to make a hotel booking FILL IN THE FORM AT THIS LINK:

And send an email to to register your attendance.

On On!

Hareline Report - receding!

Hareline Report - 4 November - Bald!
We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Do you want to drink beer for free? Then become a hare! (And we will pay for the paint!).
21 OCT - Pussy Riot Collective.
28 OCT - Sucking Fag.
11 NOV - BALD!
18 NOV - BALD!
21 - 23 NOV - Kratie Outstation Run!

Sunday Hash 14th October

Sunday's Hash will be somewhere near Prek Ho village, probably. See you at the train station at 2.15PM. Hare is IT Can't Paint.