Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

Hareline report - plucked!

Hareline Report - October 14, 28 - Bald! 
We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Then become a hare!
14 Oct - BALD
21 OCT - Pussy Riot Collective!
28 OCT - BALD!

Hareline report - BALD!

Hareline Report - October (all of it) - Bald! 
We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Then become a hare!
7 Oct - BALD!
14 Oct - BALD
28 OCT - BALD!

Send us an email or visit the FB page to let us know you want to hare.

Sunday Hash 30 September

No one has asked where the trail is tomorrow, so I guess everyone is planning to meet at the railway station at 14:00 and take the truck!
For the others, we'll be starting at Stueng Chrov Primary School in Ta Khmau (11.4752546,104.9371514)
It was bloody hot this morning, so we set you guys a reasonable 8.5 km run / 4.5 km walk through the bourgeoisie neighborhoods of our southern neighbors. 95% dry trail, plenty of coconuts for sale on the way, a little autobahn portion for Dr Phil, and simply a pleasant afternoon planned with a few cold beers at the end to round it out.

Hareline report - October is hareless!

Hareline Report - October (all of it) - Bald!

We need hares! Do you want a Hash name? Then become a hare!

30 Sept - Mr Tinkle and Sir Pants
7 Oct - BALD!
14 Oct - BALD
28 OCT - BALD!

Sunday Hash 23rd September

Starting point for this Sunday's run is ប្រាសាទ ពេជ្រវង្គត់បូរីព្រហ្មលោក:
Get ready!

Hares are Nick Miles and Wessel Virgin.

See you at the railway station at 2:15PM.

On on!

Sunday Hash 16th September

Off to the Areyksat side of the river tomorrow. Your hares have gone to great lengths to ensure you won't get confused by old marks.
Traveling thru Cambodia's Lakes district, where you may sight some watery fowls, our starting point is dedicated not to Buddha but has a decidedly more commercial vibe.
Your run/walk starts hard but quickly develops an earthy feel that will put you in touch with Cambodia.
After mid run refreshments, your hares have taken a leaf from Messers Fag & Codpiece's hangover run & included an exciting water traverse. Which is another way of saying water theme park. Sadly we were not able to add this attraction to the walk.
The run concludes with a ramble thru an exciting mix of rural & commercial vistas.

Meet at the Naga ferry at 2:15 PM -