Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers

!9th of May Hash: Boat, Food and Raffle


On the 19th of May, we will have a boat hash!

We will also have a raffle!

Prizes include a $30 gift certificate for Decathalon and $20 gift certificate for Villa Grange!

If you would like to donate something as a prize (it can be anything) talk to one of the committee members.

On on!

This Sunday's Hash, 28th of April


This week, we will head out west to Wat Prey Pouch.

Meet at the train station ( at 2:15 pm for a 2:30 pm departure.

For those taking their own transport, meet here, at 3:30 pm.

On on!

This Sunday's Hash, 21st of April


The trail has been set!

If you're making your own way to the starting point is here 👉

Or meet at the train station  ðŸ‘‰ ( at 2:15 pm for a 2:30 pm departure.

Hares are Just Fhlor, Flaccido Domingo and CC.

On on!

KNY weekend mini-outstation Hash, April 13 & 14


PLEASE READ! This registration does not include staying at the hotel. If you would like to stay at the hotel you can contact Cheap Date or go online ( You can choose whether to stay just Saturday, just Sunday or both nights.

You will need to provide your own transport to and from the Hashes, depending on what you have decided to attend. The meeting point for both Saturday and Sunday's Hashes is the Koh Dach View Boutique Hotel ( Meet there at 3:15 pm for a 3:30 pm Hash start. The Hashes will be A to A.

On Saturday, it's a regular Hash with regular pricing ($1, $3 and $5). There will be an optional On On On at your own cost.

On Sunday, the Hash will include a meal. The prices will be: 
- $6 for kids
- $8 for Regular Cambodian Hashers
- $10 for Regular Foreign Hashers
- $15 for Non-Regular Hashers

As a way of giving back to those who contribute to the Hash, we provide a subsidy. To qualify for this, you need to have:
  1. hared once in the last six months or
  2. joined the Hash ten times in the last six months. 
Kids don't contribute enough to get a subsidy, but we do offer a special kids price.

On on!