If you are in Phnom Penh for Wednesday, 9th November, join the Phnom Penh City Hashes special IMH3 pre-lube run with GM, Mr Tinkle
What to expect:
WHEN: Wednesday 9th November, 2022. 4:00pm
WHERE: Meet at Villa Grange
WHAT: A city run and walk taking in some of Phnom Pen's world famous landmarks, with beer stop, followed by a circle at a beautiful riverside location and top quality dinner and, of course, all the beer you can drink.
WHY: To meet and enjoy with Phnom Penh local hashers and visitors before the IMH3 in Kampot.
HOW: Please register for this event by completing the form
HOW TO PAY: Details of how to pay will be provided at the end of October.
WHO: Open to all hashers, but numbers will be limited, so please register ASAP.
HOW MUCH: $30 per person includes everything mentioned above and more.