Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers: This Sunday's Hash, 10th of September

This Sunday's Hash, 10th of September


'Trail of the decade', 'Incredible', 'Stunning', 'Wow' - meet 2:15pm at the railway station for a 2:30pm departure!  Hares are Black Panther, Cums in Cider and Best Hasher Ever !!!  4 trails for all abilities including the 'Ball-breaker run!'.  Expect to be fed!

If you haven't hashed there before it's a beautiful area, one of our favorite locations, and the closest real hills to Phnom Penh. Great views. Both walking and running trails are STRENUOUS. But, both trails share a half way where you can bail out and jump on the bus.

Walking trail is total 5.3 km with halfway at 3 km.
Running trail is total 10.5 km with 'halfway' at 8 km, but shops at 6 km if you're out of water.

Meet at the train station at 2:15 pm for a 2:30 pm departure:

If you want to make your own way get here for 3:30 pm.

On on!