Hello hashers,
As I was drafting up this month's steaming pile of hash droppings, I paused to read what was going on 5 / 10 / 15 years ago from the WAY BACK MACHINE below in the newsletter. TEN years ago, I was conducting a survey to see who is not the OLDEST hasher, but what hasher still alive, started hashing first. At that time, it was a toss-up between "Tumbling Bill" Panton, and Harry "God Knows" Howell (he could have been a relative 😊 ). So, who is the King of the Hill? I know there are still a few hashers out there that hashed in the 60s, who are they? Drainoil? Mountain Rescue??
InterAmericas' Hash has been postponed to 1-4 Sep 2023. We now wait patiently to hear what is going to happen with INTERHASH in Trinidad. Fingers crossed all goes as planned. For those attending, here is the planned schedule of events ---> https://www.interhashtrinidad2020.com/calendar-of-events.html
It is also time to start thinking about the BIDS . . . where will INTERHASH go next. So far, there are registered bids for Queenstown, New Zealand and Goa, India. I also understand that a bid is being developed for Turkey (more to follow on that one). https://www.interhashtrinidad2020.com/2024-bid.html
HASH HISTORY: If you missed it, here is the latest release . . .
In the Spotlight - Paraguay . . . https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/grMBENDrVJI
New articles being published often . . . See dozens more at http://gotothehash.net/history/inthespotlight.html
Also keep an eye out for the next edition of ON ON Magazine . . . https://www.facebook.com/A-History-of-the-Hash-House-Harriers-154155071600997
In The News . . . (sent in by Tinker)
The WHO has a Global Alcohol Strategy
"The World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Alcohol Strategy is to be unveiled this summer. The new initiative commits to a target of "at least a 20% relative reduction (in comparison with 2010) in alcohol per capita (among those aged 15 years and older) consumption by 2030." The aim is not a reduction in consumption by hazardous drinkers, instead the goal is to reduce alcohol use across the board, however moderate the drinker."
"Heavy-impact policy options" that the WHO wants to see adopted by nations are high taxation of alcohol products and minimum price regulations (in Ireland this year, minimum pricing more than doubled the cost of packs of beer), bans on advertising and marketing of alcoholic drinks, and restrictions on where and when alcohol can be sold."
Here is a good news story, a new hash club is born in Africa . . . the Lilongwe Full Moon H3 in Malawi. See https://lilongwehash.com/full-moon-hash/
There has been a solid buzz surrounding this first feature length horror movie, that includes hashing. From New Zealand comes BUZZ CUT, at 1 hour and 45 minutes long.
See the trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpPiKJN-SbY
You can watch the full movie at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vnhfYB2pjT2Apdp7jz34seNwRM99hmmL/view
Do you have a favorite hash T-Shirt? Would you like to see what some of those old event shirts looked like? You can see them in the Digital Hash T-Shirt Museum. Always looking for more contributions. https://www.gotothehash.net/hashshirts.html
From the WAY BACK MACHINE, hash happenings this month . . . (Note: some hashers have reported that the links below sometimes do not work. That is due the "html" getting snipped off after the period, due to the width of the text. To make it work, just make sure the link ends in ".html")
Before we look at the upcoming hash events for April, if you ever need to find out when an event happened in the past, you can start by looking here . . . https://www.gotothehash.net/e/oldhashevents.html
Upcoming hash events for the month of April 2022 are listed below. See the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents22-04.html
Apr 1-3
Texas Interhash
Hosted by the Fort Worth H3 in Mt. Enterprise, TX, USA.
Apr 1-3
Camp Fun-a-muck
Hosted by the Other Orlando H3 in Deland, FL, USA.
Apr 1-10 - Postponed to Apr 2023
Vietnam Train Bash
Hosted by Wild Wolf Productions starting from Hanoi, Vietnam.
Apr 8-10
Green Jacket Weekend
Hosted by the Peach Fuzz H3 in Leesville, SC, USA.
Apr 8-10
Red Dress Run
Hosted by the Jacksonville H3 in Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Apr 10-17
Prelube Cruise #1
Hosted by the Moons Over Barbados H3 sailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico to St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Barbados, St Kitts and back to San Juan.
Apr 17-22
Hash Cruise
Hosted by the San Diego H3 sailing from San Diego, CA, USA.
Apr 17-24
Prelube Cruise #2
Hosted by the Moons Over Barbados H3 sailing from Barbados to Tobago, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Vincent, Dominica and St. Lucia and back to Barbados.
Apr 18-23
Babe's Hash Cruise
Caveat - Commercial Hash Activity, sailing from Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Apr 22-24
Camp Rode'ho
Hosted by the Tallahassee & Area H3 in Quincy, FL, USA.
Apr 23-25
Tobago Prelube
This is the official prelube for INTERHASH, on the neighbor island.
Apr 29 - May 1
World Interhash
Hosted by the Port O Spain H3 in Trinidad.
See the whole three year calendar of upcoming events at http://gotothehash.net/hashevents.html
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let them know they can sign up by sending an email to mailto:gotothehash+subscribe@googlegroups.com

As I was drafting up this month's steaming pile of hash droppings, I paused to read what was going on 5 / 10 / 15 years ago from the WAY BACK MACHINE below in the newsletter. TEN years ago, I was conducting a survey to see who is not the OLDEST hasher, but what hasher still alive, started hashing first. At that time, it was a toss-up between "Tumbling Bill" Panton, and Harry "God Knows" Howell (he could have been a relative 😊 ). So, who is the King of the Hill? I know there are still a few hashers out there that hashed in the 60s, who are they? Drainoil? Mountain Rescue??
InterAmericas' Hash has been postponed to 1-4 Sep 2023. We now wait patiently to hear what is going to happen with INTERHASH in Trinidad. Fingers crossed all goes as planned. For those attending, here is the planned schedule of events ---> https://www.interhashtrinidad2020.com/calendar-of-events.html
It is also time to start thinking about the BIDS . . . where will INTERHASH go next. So far, there are registered bids for Queenstown, New Zealand and Goa, India. I also understand that a bid is being developed for Turkey (more to follow on that one). https://www.interhashtrinidad2020.com/2024-bid.html
HASH HISTORY: If you missed it, here is the latest release . . .
In the Spotlight - Paraguay . . . https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/grMBENDrVJI
New articles being published often . . . See dozens more at http://gotothehash.net/history/inthespotlight.html
Also keep an eye out for the next edition of ON ON Magazine . . . https://www.facebook.com/A-History-of-the-Hash-House-Harriers-154155071600997
In The News . . . (sent in by Tinker)
The WHO has a Global Alcohol Strategy
"The World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Alcohol Strategy is to be unveiled this summer. The new initiative commits to a target of "at least a 20% relative reduction (in comparison with 2010) in alcohol per capita (among those aged 15 years and older) consumption by 2030." The aim is not a reduction in consumption by hazardous drinkers, instead the goal is to reduce alcohol use across the board, however moderate the drinker."
"Heavy-impact policy options" that the WHO wants to see adopted by nations are high taxation of alcohol products and minimum price regulations (in Ireland this year, minimum pricing more than doubled the cost of packs of beer), bans on advertising and marketing of alcoholic drinks, and restrictions on where and when alcohol can be sold."
Here is a good news story, a new hash club is born in Africa . . . the Lilongwe Full Moon H3 in Malawi. See https://lilongwehash.com/full-moon-hash/
There has been a solid buzz surrounding this first feature length horror movie, that includes hashing. From New Zealand comes BUZZ CUT, at 1 hour and 45 minutes long.
See the trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpPiKJN-SbY
You can watch the full movie at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vnhfYB2pjT2Apdp7jz34seNwRM99hmmL/view
Do you have a favorite hash T-Shirt? Would you like to see what some of those old event shirts looked like? You can see them in the Digital Hash T-Shirt Museum. Always looking for more contributions. https://www.gotothehash.net/hashshirts.html
From the WAY BACK MACHINE, hash happenings this month . . . (Note: some hashers have reported that the links below sometimes do not work. That is due the "html" getting snipped off after the period, due to the width of the text. To make it work, just make sure the link ends in ".html")
Before we look at the upcoming hash events for April, if you ever need to find out when an event happened in the past, you can start by looking here . . . https://www.gotothehash.net/e/oldhashevents.html
Upcoming hash events for the month of April 2022 are listed below. See the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents22-04.html
Apr 1-3
Texas Interhash
Hosted by the Fort Worth H3 in Mt. Enterprise, TX, USA.
Apr 1-3
Camp Fun-a-muck
Hosted by the Other Orlando H3 in Deland, FL, USA.
Apr 1-10 - Postponed to Apr 2023
Vietnam Train Bash
Hosted by Wild Wolf Productions starting from Hanoi, Vietnam.
Apr 8-10
Green Jacket Weekend
Hosted by the Peach Fuzz H3 in Leesville, SC, USA.
Apr 8-10
Red Dress Run
Hosted by the Jacksonville H3 in Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Apr 10-17
Prelube Cruise #1
Hosted by the Moons Over Barbados H3 sailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico to St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Barbados, St Kitts and back to San Juan.
Apr 17-22
Hash Cruise
Hosted by the San Diego H3 sailing from San Diego, CA, USA.
Apr 17-24
Prelube Cruise #2
Hosted by the Moons Over Barbados H3 sailing from Barbados to Tobago, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Vincent, Dominica and St. Lucia and back to Barbados.
Apr 18-23
Babe's Hash Cruise
Caveat - Commercial Hash Activity, sailing from Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Apr 22-24
Camp Rode'ho
Hosted by the Tallahassee & Area H3 in Quincy, FL, USA.
Apr 23-25
Tobago Prelube
This is the official prelube for INTERHASH, on the neighbor island.
Apr 29 - May 1
World Interhash
Hosted by the Port O Spain H3 in Trinidad.
See the whole three year calendar of upcoming events at http://gotothehash.net/hashevents.html
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let them know they can sign up by sending an email to mailto:gotothehash+subscribe@googlegroups.com
On on!