Phnom Penh Hash House Harriers: World Hash Events: January 2022

World Hash Events: January 2022

Hello hashers,

I am back down on the amazing continent of South America this month, enjoying a 4 country swing starting with a coordination meeting for INTERAMERICA'S HASH in Medellin, Colombia.  After many months of questions and concerns, a small group of able bodied hashers have assembled to reignite the planning process to ensure this event goes off as scheduled.  Your new committee members are:

Chairpersons  . . .                    ABBAA and Chimbawamba
Finance . . .                              Where's Balldo & ICP
Registrations . . .                     Thar She Blows
Logistics . . .                             Mu-sick
Trail (& web) Master . . .         Hazukashii

Details will be forthcoming as we get our plan moving, but I can tell you, we are already sorting out the registrations (both paid and unpaid).  We are also organizing the venue, working the goodie bags, establishing the new website, and much much more.  Please be patient as we get our collective shit together.  First announcement will be a call for all unpaid regos to pay up by the end of the year once we get our banking system reestablished (so if you have not paid, save some of that holiday shopping money for this ground breaking event.  The first time InterAmericas' Hash (and any major hash event of size) will be held in South America.  We will also be calling for a few volunteers closer to the event.  More to follow soon.


From my usual monthly scanning of the internet, looking for hash events, it appears the world of hashing is rapidly coming back to life this past month.  Many hash clubs are returning to normal run activity, or at least meeting on their normal schedule with minor inconveniences.  That is great news.

I anticipate that over the next few years we are going to see a rapid increase in hash clubs celebrating 50th Anniversaries, and 2500th runs, all stemming from the vast expansion of hash clubs throughout the 1970s.  And while we are at it, CONGRATS to the Deli H3 for reaching their 4000th Run (They hash twice a week).  They will be celebrating the occasion over the weekend of 17-19 Dec in Medan, Indonesia.  See the Hash Events Calendar for more details. 


While I am down here in South America, I have also taken the opportunity to run a few hashes. 

Medellin H3 Red Dress Run (13 Nov 2021) - As hashing resumes once again in scattered areas around the planet, 25 hashers converged on Medellin for the symbolic event for charity, the Red Dress Run. The directions told us to be at the start at 1300, so abruptly at 1430 we circled up for chalk talk. Trail was designed in three phases, the first was prelayed, and the hare followed in trace to the first beer check. And good thing, because there were so damn many people on the streets, it was often difficult to find the marks . . . but we managed. After a 30 to 40 minute painful recess, the hare called the pack back together, and headed out to live hare the second phase . . . in the rain, and by the time 3 minutes had passed, whatever he marked, was . . . as you would expect . . . GONE. A few phone calls and convulsive phone con directions, the walkers ended up in one place, the runners ended up in another, and Mu-sick and I followed the last instructions and ran back to the hotel. 2 hours later, the pack eventually reassembled and had a circle under cover. Phase three had to be totally aborted in the aftermath.  A few empanadas and several beers later, the chiva (party bus) arrived, and we spent 4 hours driving around Medellin, dancing and drinking, and having a blast in the rain. What a day, bravo to the Medellin H3 for hosting such a crazy event.

Brazil Nuts H3 #201 (20 Nov 2021) - It was my first time in Brazil, and after a night on the town Friday, we collected our wits and donned our hash kit, and headed for the bus station. Sparky (a young hasher visiting the area from Trinidad & Tobago) wanted to meet up at the bus station and ride out together, but the pack gathered, minus Sparky. Finally, just after our bus departed (without us) he turned up.  So, after a bit longer wait, Sparky found another bus that was going close to where we needed to go for our one hour journey. Fortunately, the hares were sympathetic, and drove down to get us for the final 5 kms to the start. Two hares and a pack of twelve set off on this 10 km trail out past the airport. Three hours and three beer checks later (including one up on top of the mountain with a fabulous view, and one by the lake), we had once again returned to the start, where we fired up the BBQ and grabbed a few beers before circle. Circle was short and sweet, with the usual assault on the hares, but we did name one . . . "I Suck Newton" but we totally forgot about the window hurling on the bus, that will have to be topic for another day.  It was a great day with two old friends, Weeny Schnitzel, one of the hares, and MaBouche, as well as meeting many new friends here in Sao Paulo.  What a nice pack of hashers, and a great city to hash in.

And if you happen to fancy a getaway in Sao Paulo and to the beaches of Brazil, MaBouche invites all hashers to her resort town hacienda in ItanhaĆ©m, Brazil (just south of Sao Paulo) for trails, beach time, and beer.  She can accommodate up to a dozen hashers in her AirBnB, and will be happy to set some trails for you.  Contact MaBouche on What'sApp at +55 11 97975-4806  . . . and see her place at

I am currently on my way to the nation's capital of Brazil, and will join the Brasilia H3 on Saturday for what I am sure will be a great adventure . . . read all about it in next month's edition.


Harrier Central . . . the new hashing app that is taking the world by storm . . . many free options, and advanced pay options for hash clubs to use  . . .


Want to see a snippet of paper chase on horseback?  This film footage is of the infamous Shanghai Paper Hunt – or what happens when the Brits need to go hunting, but there aren't animals to hunt . . . (many thanks to Northeast Historic Film) . . .

You can read more at  . . .


We are just under six months away from a big celebration called Interhash2020 in 2022, to be held in Trinidad  and Tobago . . . If you are interested in joining in on the fun, and do not yet have a registration for the event, or the red dress run, there are many Regos available at early bird prices at

So far well over 150 regos have exchanged hands at early bird prices.  I currently still have over 50 on hand, so if you want to get in on this first INTERHASH in the America's, sign up today.


In case you missed them, there was one new historical article released earlier this month . . .

In the Spotlight – Hashing and the Military at


And now for something completely different . . .


Problem : If you have ever had a hard time commuting to work in the morning, think about this . . . 


Resolution : Rather than being pushed in by the platform attendants, you can always . . .


From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .





Upcoming hash events for the month of January 2022 are listed below.  See the website for more details:

Jan 5-9
2000th Run    
Hosted by the Pittsburgh H3 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.


Jan 8-9
Freezing Cold Hash Run & Party        
Hosted by the Rumson H3 in a secret location in NJ, USA.


Jan 13-17        
Hosted by the El Paso H3 in El Paso, TX, USA.


Jan 22-30        
Caribbean Hash Cruise          
Hosted by the Jolly Roger H3 sailing from Miami, Fl, USA.


Jan 28-30        
Hosted by the Zurich H3 in Zurich, Switzerland.


See the whole three year calendar of upcoming events at         

If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info. 


Hashing is fun!  See you on trail someday . . . :O)

Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!  (Since 1998)     


GoToTheHash page on Facebook at

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