Prices for regulars (who have run 10 runs or set a trail in the last 12 months):*
- $6 Khmer with no hat
- $10 Foreigner with no hat
- $10 Khmer with hat
- $14 Foreigner with hat
- $6 for children 5-15 year olds (no hats)
Prices for non regulars:
- $10 non-regular Khmer with no hat
- $15 non-regular Khmer with hat
- $15 non-regular foreign with no hat
- $20 non-regular foreign with hat
Register now with this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWAWpHHh0Qpo1Ysk_kzesDkAdX8GfBO1AnCR0b1f31wfmvSA/viewform
*If you are not sure of your number of hashes don't worry, select the one you think is correct and all will be double-checked. New Hashers who are coming regularly will be considered as 'regulars'.

The 1,600 run will take place on the 21st November, will include a boat trip and bbq and special edition hat (optional!) NB: this is a well-subsidized trip (for those who run with us regularly) and there is a limit of 50 places only (by order of the Royal Government of Cambodia) so please register asap and bring the exact run fee next week! Regulars will be prioritised!
- $6 Khmer with no hat
- $10 Foreigner with no hat
- $10 Khmer with hat
- $14 Foreigner with hat
- $6 for children 5-15 year olds (no hats)
Prices for non regulars:
- $10 non-regular Khmer with no hat
- $15 non-regular Khmer with hat
- $15 non-regular foreign with no hat
- $20 non-regular foreign with hat
Register now with this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWAWpHHh0Qpo1Ysk_kzesDkAdX8GfBO1AnCR0b1f31wfmvSA/viewform
*If you are not sure of your number of hashes don't worry, select the one you think is correct and all will be double-checked. New Hashers who are coming regularly will be considered as 'regulars'.
On on!