Hello hashers,
After the successful execution of EUROHASH 2021, other major events have
saved some dates:
INTERSCANDI 2022 - will be held 30 June to 3 July 2022 Venue is at Mustjöe,
in Tallinn, Estonia. Full details to follow. Save the date . . .
EUROHASH 2023 - will be held 17-20 Aug 2023 at Castle de Berckt in Baarlo,
the Netherlands. General registration is not open yet, but keep an eye on
the website . . . https://www.eurohash2023.eu
There is still time to BUY or SELL registrations for the next INTERHASH in
Trinidad. I currently have about 50 available for the event, and about a
dozen for the RED DRESS RUN. https://forms.gle/gxEQ9zT5gHDFN8Ak8
In case you missed them, there are several new (and revised) articles to
choose from this month . . .
In the Spotlight – Czech Republic (Czechia) -
In the Spotlight – Scotland -
In the Spotlight - A long overdue revision to The first 10 known Hash House
Harriers Clubs - https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/etEKhQJlYd4
In the Spotlight – Harriettes (Updated) -
Shakesprick has released his latest edition of ON ON MAGAZINE. See it, and
all past editions at http://gotothehash.net/history/shakes.html
Hare and Hounds
This is a game played at most English schools, but more especially at
Rugby. Two of the fastest runners in the school are generally selected as
the "hares," and allowed ten minutes' start. They carry with them a
quantity of small pieces of paper, which they scatter at intervals along
their route, to afford a guide to the "hounds," their school-fellows. These
are under the control of a "huntsman" and a "whipper-in," on whom in a great
measure depends the success or failure of the pursuit. The former carries a
white, the latter a red, flag.
An English writer furnishes the following description of the game:
"At last the time comes for a start, and the signal has been given
that we are 'off.' At once the pursuit commences merrily, if the pace is
not yet of the best; for we have to husband our strength, and it would be
unwise policy to overstrain our capacity at the first dash. We must go on
steadily, acquiring fresh strength as we go, or we shall soon drop away from
the rest, and collapse ignominiously. Still we go on, following the scent,
and closely adhering to this trail of paper, with the huntsman in front, and
the whipper-in judiciously ending the line of stragglers in the rear. So
far we have had a straight course, if the fields have been heavy and the
jumps unpleasantly awkward, but at last we have met with a check."
"It may be that accident has momentarily caused the sight of the
scent to be lost, that it has been obscured, or that with cunning
contrivance the hare has counterfeited a course so as to baffle the hounds,
and gain additional time for breathing. In any case, the pursuit has been
checked, and the huntsman has not only sounded his horn to signify that the
trail has been broken, but has also planted his flag on the spot where lies
the last trace of the scent, so that no time should be wasted by the
misconception of the precise place, and the necessity for another search to
recover the lost ground. The delay depends, of course, on the artifiees
[sic] employed by the hare, for there are any number of expedients to be
practiced, and the feints of an expert hare are innumerable—by retracing his
steps, by improving a false scent, and, in fact, by the employment of any
device that can dismay or impede his pursuers. The hounds, though, have not
been idle in the quest, for speedily the trail has been regained, and the
cry of 'Tally-Ho!' from the huntsman, with another note from the horn,
signifies that once more the hounds are on the track. So the chase is
maintained, either unobstructed or varied by frequent checks, until either
the hare has been captured, or the hounds themselves have been exhausted,
and have abandoned pursuit."
The school-boy game of "Hare and Hounds," as it is practiced in the
form of an athletic pastime, is merely a mimic representation of the genuine
sport; though now, so exact is the imitation in point of the terms applied,
that we hear of the human packs as the "Metropolitan Harriers," with other
appellations derived from the vocabulary of the huntsman. It is not only a
recreation, but a splendid exercise that prevents the blood from stagnating,
and diffuses the caloric through every vein. We need hardly add that it is
a pastime for cool, bracing weather only.
If you have read this far, you may already know this article was published
in the Harper's Weekly, dated May 23, 1874 . . .
If you are looking to part ways with some of your old hash attire, you may
want to take a look at this Facebook group.
You can also donate your old items to the HHH Museum.
Announcement for all former Seoul Hashers . . .
50th Anniversary of the Seoul H3 . . . and Hashing In Korea. The Seoul H3
was founded on 11 June 1972, so it is fitting that this event is scheduled
for 11 June 2022. Details are TBA . . . But . . .
Here is another excerpt from the Hash Historical Vault. I had the great
pleasure to a paid up member of the Seoul HHH for three years (1997-2000)
and a handful of visits over the years since. I still view Korea as some
the finest hashing territory on earth, having traversed nearly 400 flour
laden trails on the peninsula. The following article appeared in The Times,
London sometime in the early 1980's.
Letter from Seoul
by Jacquline Reditt
Lure of the Hash Habit sweeps the east.
One of the more curious rituals in the mystic Orient these days is the Hash
- a weekly phenomenon which sends scores of scantily clad Western
businessmen pounding heavily along steamy jungle paths, puffing up
precipitous, snow-covered mountain tracks, or splashing through muddy rice
Oblivious to the elements, the runners are spurred on by the unmelodic
blasts from the Hash horn, by the witless cries of "On On" from their
companions and by the prospect of a great deal of beer ahead.
The Seoul Hash House Harriers (SHHH) with a membership of 126 and a minimum
two-month waiting list is famous for its social rather than athletic
emphasis. Every member has a Hash nickname, many of which are unprintable.
One long-standing member, known to his hashmates as Captain Marvel, whose
ample girth happily reflects the SHHH spirit, attributes the success of the
Seoul chapter to its comparative small size and the lack of zealous
Serious runners do not dominate the Seoul chapter although one member did
recently take third place in the New Your City marathon. His experience
with the hash was invaluable according to Tom Pentony [Kimchee Marine], aged
50, a former US Marine major turned businessman and present leader of the
pack, known as the grand master.
There is excellent running terrain across paddy fields and mountains just 20
minutes from the city centre. "It's all good fun", he says, "it's a good
focal point for the international community, it's completely relaxing, like
reverting to college life, it's magic."
A few members claim they "do it for exercise." Some stick to soft drinks.
Some run and go straight home. But these are a minority, and though
tolerated, such attitudes are not encouraged. As one Hash addict put it:
"Running and then returning home is not Hashing . . . It's putting in the
time that counts . . . Feeble excuses such as a wife giving birth are not
considered adequate."
The Hash consists of three distinct stages. First the run, set by two
randomly chosen "hares." It is basically non-competitive. Even walking is
allowed, but there are a lot of heated discussion concerning SCBs meaning
"those of questionable parentage who take short cuts."
Stage two is a time of jolly companionship around the bonfire at what is
called the "On On" site. Food, usually all too reminiscent of the original
hash, and large quantities of beer are consumed. Dirty stories are told,
dirty songs are sung, and the Grand Master presides over various quaint
Stage three begins when the beer runs out. Hard-core members than move on
to the local night spot to sample whatever their host country has to offer.
The Seoul H3 was founded on 11 June 1972, see the history in this
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of November 2021 are listed below. See
the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-11.html
Nov 5-7 - Postponed to Mar 2022
Aussie Nash Hash
Hosted by the Adelaide H3 in Adelaide, Australia.
Nov 5-7
Not Dead Yet Campout
Hosted by the Biloxi H3 in D'Iberville, MS, USA.
Nov 12-14
Harriette 55th Analversary (Harriettes Only Please)
Hosted by the Susquehanna Pussies On Trail (SPOT) H3 in Baltimore, MD, USA.
Nov 19-21
Octavus Analversary
Hosted by the Skull & Boners H3 in Orange, CT, USA.
Nov 26-27 - Cancelled
Mekong Indochina Hash
Hosted by the Yangon H3 in Yangon, Myanmar.
See the whole two year calendar of events at
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let
them know they can sign up by sending an email to

After the successful execution of EUROHASH 2021, other major events have
saved some dates:
INTERSCANDI 2022 - will be held 30 June to 3 July 2022 Venue is at Mustjöe,
in Tallinn, Estonia. Full details to follow. Save the date . . .
EUROHASH 2023 - will be held 17-20 Aug 2023 at Castle de Berckt in Baarlo,
the Netherlands. General registration is not open yet, but keep an eye on
the website . . . https://www.eurohash2023.eu
There is still time to BUY or SELL registrations for the next INTERHASH in
Trinidad. I currently have about 50 available for the event, and about a
dozen for the RED DRESS RUN. https://forms.gle/gxEQ9zT5gHDFN8Ak8
In case you missed them, there are several new (and revised) articles to
choose from this month . . .
In the Spotlight – Czech Republic (Czechia) -
In the Spotlight – Scotland -
In the Spotlight - A long overdue revision to The first 10 known Hash House
Harriers Clubs - https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/etEKhQJlYd4
In the Spotlight – Harriettes (Updated) -
Shakesprick has released his latest edition of ON ON MAGAZINE. See it, and
all past editions at http://gotothehash.net/history/shakes.html
Hare and Hounds
This is a game played at most English schools, but more especially at
Rugby. Two of the fastest runners in the school are generally selected as
the "hares," and allowed ten minutes' start. They carry with them a
quantity of small pieces of paper, which they scatter at intervals along
their route, to afford a guide to the "hounds," their school-fellows. These
are under the control of a "huntsman" and a "whipper-in," on whom in a great
measure depends the success or failure of the pursuit. The former carries a
white, the latter a red, flag.
An English writer furnishes the following description of the game:
"At last the time comes for a start, and the signal has been given
that we are 'off.' At once the pursuit commences merrily, if the pace is
not yet of the best; for we have to husband our strength, and it would be
unwise policy to overstrain our capacity at the first dash. We must go on
steadily, acquiring fresh strength as we go, or we shall soon drop away from
the rest, and collapse ignominiously. Still we go on, following the scent,
and closely adhering to this trail of paper, with the huntsman in front, and
the whipper-in judiciously ending the line of stragglers in the rear. So
far we have had a straight course, if the fields have been heavy and the
jumps unpleasantly awkward, but at last we have met with a check."
"It may be that accident has momentarily caused the sight of the
scent to be lost, that it has been obscured, or that with cunning
contrivance the hare has counterfeited a course so as to baffle the hounds,
and gain additional time for breathing. In any case, the pursuit has been
checked, and the huntsman has not only sounded his horn to signify that the
trail has been broken, but has also planted his flag on the spot where lies
the last trace of the scent, so that no time should be wasted by the
misconception of the precise place, and the necessity for another search to
recover the lost ground. The delay depends, of course, on the artifiees
[sic] employed by the hare, for there are any number of expedients to be
practiced, and the feints of an expert hare are innumerable—by retracing his
steps, by improving a false scent, and, in fact, by the employment of any
device that can dismay or impede his pursuers. The hounds, though, have not
been idle in the quest, for speedily the trail has been regained, and the
cry of 'Tally-Ho!' from the huntsman, with another note from the horn,
signifies that once more the hounds are on the track. So the chase is
maintained, either unobstructed or varied by frequent checks, until either
the hare has been captured, or the hounds themselves have been exhausted,
and have abandoned pursuit."
The school-boy game of "Hare and Hounds," as it is practiced in the
form of an athletic pastime, is merely a mimic representation of the genuine
sport; though now, so exact is the imitation in point of the terms applied,
that we hear of the human packs as the "Metropolitan Harriers," with other
appellations derived from the vocabulary of the huntsman. It is not only a
recreation, but a splendid exercise that prevents the blood from stagnating,
and diffuses the caloric through every vein. We need hardly add that it is
a pastime for cool, bracing weather only.
If you have read this far, you may already know this article was published
in the Harper's Weekly, dated May 23, 1874 . . .
If you are looking to part ways with some of your old hash attire, you may
want to take a look at this Facebook group.
You can also donate your old items to the HHH Museum.
Announcement for all former Seoul Hashers . . .
50th Anniversary of the Seoul H3 . . . and Hashing In Korea. The Seoul H3
was founded on 11 June 1972, so it is fitting that this event is scheduled
for 11 June 2022. Details are TBA . . . But . . .
Here is another excerpt from the Hash Historical Vault. I had the great
pleasure to a paid up member of the Seoul HHH for three years (1997-2000)
and a handful of visits over the years since. I still view Korea as some
the finest hashing territory on earth, having traversed nearly 400 flour
laden trails on the peninsula. The following article appeared in The Times,
London sometime in the early 1980's.
Letter from Seoul
by Jacquline Reditt
Lure of the Hash Habit sweeps the east.
One of the more curious rituals in the mystic Orient these days is the Hash
- a weekly phenomenon which sends scores of scantily clad Western
businessmen pounding heavily along steamy jungle paths, puffing up
precipitous, snow-covered mountain tracks, or splashing through muddy rice
Oblivious to the elements, the runners are spurred on by the unmelodic
blasts from the Hash horn, by the witless cries of "On On" from their
companions and by the prospect of a great deal of beer ahead.
The Seoul Hash House Harriers (SHHH) with a membership of 126 and a minimum
two-month waiting list is famous for its social rather than athletic
emphasis. Every member has a Hash nickname, many of which are unprintable.
One long-standing member, known to his hashmates as Captain Marvel, whose
ample girth happily reflects the SHHH spirit, attributes the success of the
Seoul chapter to its comparative small size and the lack of zealous
Serious runners do not dominate the Seoul chapter although one member did
recently take third place in the New Your City marathon. His experience
with the hash was invaluable according to Tom Pentony [Kimchee Marine], aged
50, a former US Marine major turned businessman and present leader of the
pack, known as the grand master.
There is excellent running terrain across paddy fields and mountains just 20
minutes from the city centre. "It's all good fun", he says, "it's a good
focal point for the international community, it's completely relaxing, like
reverting to college life, it's magic."
A few members claim they "do it for exercise." Some stick to soft drinks.
Some run and go straight home. But these are a minority, and though
tolerated, such attitudes are not encouraged. As one Hash addict put it:
"Running and then returning home is not Hashing . . . It's putting in the
time that counts . . . Feeble excuses such as a wife giving birth are not
considered adequate."
The Hash consists of three distinct stages. First the run, set by two
randomly chosen "hares." It is basically non-competitive. Even walking is
allowed, but there are a lot of heated discussion concerning SCBs meaning
"those of questionable parentage who take short cuts."
Stage two is a time of jolly companionship around the bonfire at what is
called the "On On" site. Food, usually all too reminiscent of the original
hash, and large quantities of beer are consumed. Dirty stories are told,
dirty songs are sung, and the Grand Master presides over various quaint
Stage three begins when the beer runs out. Hard-core members than move on
to the local night spot to sample whatever their host country has to offer.
The Seoul H3 was founded on 11 June 1972, see the history in this
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of November 2021 are listed below. See
the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-11.html
Nov 5-7 - Postponed to Mar 2022
Aussie Nash Hash
Hosted by the Adelaide H3 in Adelaide, Australia.
Nov 5-7
Not Dead Yet Campout
Hosted by the Biloxi H3 in D'Iberville, MS, USA.
Nov 12-14
Harriette 55th Analversary (Harriettes Only Please)
Hosted by the Susquehanna Pussies On Trail (SPOT) H3 in Baltimore, MD, USA.
Nov 19-21
Octavus Analversary
Hosted by the Skull & Boners H3 in Orange, CT, USA.
Nov 26-27 - Cancelled
Mekong Indochina Hash
Hosted by the Yangon H3 in Yangon, Myanmar.
See the whole two year calendar of events at
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let
them know they can sign up by sending an email to
On on!