Hashers, see the message below from our illustrious GM, Smelly Codpiece.
RA - Religious Adviser - currently Flaccido Domingo
Hash Cash - self explanatory - currently Loan Shark
Hash Fash - in charge of t-shirt designs, etc - currently Cheap Date
Hash Stats - keeps a record of attendees, hares, etc - currently Sucking Fag
Hash Flash - the Hash Photographer - currently Beaver Shot
Hash IT - our tech wizard - currently IT Can't Paint
Hare Raiser - tasked with making sure we have hares each week - currently Get It Done Up The Bum
Hash Haberdashery - in charge of T-shirt and merchandise sales - currently Paparasa
Hash Brew - in charge of beverage organisation - currently Um Coming
Hash Bash - organises Hash Parties! - open position
Hash Choir Master - tries to teach us new songs - open position
Hash Scribe - writes a short piece summarising the week's hash - open position.

Dear Fellow Hashers
Erections for the new committee will be made on the 29th of August 2021. We look forward to receiving new applications from anyone who would like to join the committee, and to hearing their ideas as to how the Phnom Penh Hash could be better operated.
Committee positions available are as follows:
GM - Grand Master - currently Smelly CodpieceRA - Religious Adviser - currently Flaccido Domingo
Hash Cash - self explanatory - currently Loan Shark
Hash Fash - in charge of t-shirt designs, etc - currently Cheap Date
Hash Stats - keeps a record of attendees, hares, etc - currently Sucking Fag
Hash Flash - the Hash Photographer - currently Beaver Shot
Hash IT - our tech wizard - currently IT Can't Paint
Hare Raiser - tasked with making sure we have hares each week - currently Get It Done Up The Bum
Hash Haberdashery - in charge of T-shirt and merchandise sales - currently Paparasa
Hash Brew - in charge of beverage organisation - currently Um Coming
Hash Bash - organises Hash Parties! - open position
Hash Choir Master - tries to teach us new songs - open position
Hash Scribe - writes a short piece summarising the week's hash - open position.
On on!