Hello hashers,
Sending this one out a few days early. I have another huge project to wrap
up and send out in the near future . . . and I am finalizing my travel plans
for the summer. EUROHASH here I come.
Many hash event updates to announce this month . . .
MEKONG INDOCHINA 2021 has been cancelled. From the committee . . . So it is
now fairly obvious now (June 2021) that no country in the Mekong region can
host the event in 2021. With quarantines, second and third waves etc we
believe it is best to cancel the 2020 Mekong Indochina Hash. (that was moved
to 2021). We are all keen for the Mekong Indochina Hash to return in 2022.
Further details on refunds can be seen on the website.
PANAFRICA HASH has been postponed until 30 Jun - 3 Jul 2022. From the
committee . . . Following the measures issued by the Government of the
Republic of Uganda to control the spread of COVID-19, the Pan Africa Hash
2021 Local Organizing Committee (PAH21 LOC) together with the Pan Africa
Host chapter, Kampala Hash House Harriers (KH3) have agreed to postpone the
Pan Africa Hash that was due to be held in Kampala (1-4 Jul 2021) to 30th
June - 3rd July 2022.
EUROHASH 2021 in Czechia is ON ON. Rego resale scramble is in full bloom on
the FB page. If you want to go . . . now is the time to get your affairs in
order. If you cannot go, post your details and sell.
It is requested that you rejoice in the life of long time hasher, Margret
"Mary Poppins" Trader, founding member and former GM of the San Diego H3.
She passed away on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, while recovering from a serious
operation. She would have been 82 years old on June 15. She was
instrumental in the founding of Okinawa and San Diego H3s. Serving as Hash
Cash, Haberdasher, Scribe, Beer and Munch Meister. She brought 40 SDH3
Hashers for the founding of Long Beach H3 on January 6, 1985. Mary Poppins
was famous for running with her red umbrella and her Bloody Mary checks. On
In the Spotlight - United States of America
This article will be released in the next couple weeks, once I wrap up the
final details. It is going to be HUGE to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of
hashing in the USA.
HHH GENEALOGY - Mass updating of the HHH Genealogy project continues.
Completed over the past month . . . over 1000 more listings have been
reviewed, edited, and posted. Dozens of new hash clubs, and Hundreds of
logos and web URLs have been added.
The USA, Australia, and New Zealand account for over 1/3 of all the hash
clubs that have ever existed.
Wherever you hash, if you want to update your clubs history and details
(both current clubs, and those no longer running) . . . take a look at
http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=site%2Fpresentation and send me your
updates directly to GoToTheHash@gmail.com (GoToTheHash (at) gmail (dot)
com). Specifically looking for, if available: date of first trail, city the
club normally runs in, founders name, where the founder had hashed before
founding the new club, URL of the website, and the logo.
Current active: (top 3)
United States 275 of 628
Australia 138 of 355
United Kingdom 137 of 301
It is a tight race between Australia and the UK, calling on all Aussie and
Brits to check your country listings for accuracy. If your club is missing,
send me the details and it will be added.
I am still working on Malaysia and Indonesia, both of which could possibly
slide in above Australia. Time will tell.
We are 10 months away from INTERHASH 2022 in Trinidad. Hashers are starting
to get their schedules in order, and the buying and selling of INTERHASH and
RED DRESS regos resales are increasing, with almost 100 regos changing
hands. If you are looking to buy a rego, or you have made the unfortunate
decision that you cannot attend, and want to sell your regos, post your
requirements at . . . https://tinyurl.com/IH2022-REGO-Resale
We have a new 'Oldest' hash T-shirt in the Digital Museum. Step aside
Sydney H3 250th, welcome Singapore H3 500th.
This was made possible by a donation of Tumbling Bill Panton's T-shirt
collection, for inclusion in the Digital Hash T-Shirt Museum. There are
over 300 shirts to process, so it will take a couple months of sorting and
posting before be displayed.
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of August 2021 are listed below. See the
website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-08.html
Aug 4-15
Prelube To Eurohash Cruise
Hosted by the Moon Over Barbados H3, sailing from Paris To Prague.
Aug 6-8 - SOLD OUT
Beach Stumble
Hosted by the Tampa Bay H3 in St Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Aug 6-8
1700th Campout
Hosted by the Nittany Valley H3 in Lock Haven, PA, USA.
Aug 12-15
India Nash Hash & Monsoon Madness
Hosted by the Hyderabad H3 out near the Interhash site in Goa, India.
Aug 13-15
Winter Camp
Hosted by the Garden City H3 at Wainui Camp, New Zealand.
Aug 13-15
Redneck Revival BeerCamp
Hosted by the Sin City H3 in Cynthiana, KY, USA.
Aug 14-15
Big Island Trip
Hosted by the Volcano H3 on the Big Island, HI, USA.
Aug 14-16
10th Analversary Campout
Hosted by the Alamogordo H3 in Cloudcroft, NM, USA.
Aug 19-22
Hosted by the FHKIT H3 in New Orleans, LA, USA.
Aug 19-22
Hosted in the lovely and scenic city of Prague, Czech Republic.
Aug 27-29
Hosted by the Ithaca H3 in McGraw, NY, USA.
See the whole two year calendar of events at
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let
them know they can sign up by sending an email to
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/007201d7678a%24a5a54ae0%24f0efe0a0%24%40gmail.com.

Sending this one out a few days early. I have another huge project to wrap
up and send out in the near future . . . and I am finalizing my travel plans
for the summer. EUROHASH here I come.
Many hash event updates to announce this month . . .
MEKONG INDOCHINA 2021 has been cancelled. From the committee . . . So it is
now fairly obvious now (June 2021) that no country in the Mekong region can
host the event in 2021. With quarantines, second and third waves etc we
believe it is best to cancel the 2020 Mekong Indochina Hash. (that was moved
to 2021). We are all keen for the Mekong Indochina Hash to return in 2022.
Further details on refunds can be seen on the website.
PANAFRICA HASH has been postponed until 30 Jun - 3 Jul 2022. From the
committee . . . Following the measures issued by the Government of the
Republic of Uganda to control the spread of COVID-19, the Pan Africa Hash
2021 Local Organizing Committee (PAH21 LOC) together with the Pan Africa
Host chapter, Kampala Hash House Harriers (KH3) have agreed to postpone the
Pan Africa Hash that was due to be held in Kampala (1-4 Jul 2021) to 30th
June - 3rd July 2022.
EUROHASH 2021 in Czechia is ON ON. Rego resale scramble is in full bloom on
the FB page. If you want to go . . . now is the time to get your affairs in
order. If you cannot go, post your details and sell.
It is requested that you rejoice in the life of long time hasher, Margret
"Mary Poppins" Trader, founding member and former GM of the San Diego H3.
She passed away on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, while recovering from a serious
operation. She would have been 82 years old on June 15. She was
instrumental in the founding of Okinawa and San Diego H3s. Serving as Hash
Cash, Haberdasher, Scribe, Beer and Munch Meister. She brought 40 SDH3
Hashers for the founding of Long Beach H3 on January 6, 1985. Mary Poppins
was famous for running with her red umbrella and her Bloody Mary checks. On
In the Spotlight - United States of America
This article will be released in the next couple weeks, once I wrap up the
final details. It is going to be HUGE to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of
hashing in the USA.
HHH GENEALOGY - Mass updating of the HHH Genealogy project continues.
Completed over the past month . . . over 1000 more listings have been
reviewed, edited, and posted. Dozens of new hash clubs, and Hundreds of
logos and web URLs have been added.
The USA, Australia, and New Zealand account for over 1/3 of all the hash
clubs that have ever existed.
Wherever you hash, if you want to update your clubs history and details
(both current clubs, and those no longer running) . . . take a look at
http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=site%2Fpresentation and send me your
updates directly to GoToTheHash@gmail.com (GoToTheHash (at) gmail (dot)
com). Specifically looking for, if available: date of first trail, city the
club normally runs in, founders name, where the founder had hashed before
founding the new club, URL of the website, and the logo.
Current active: (top 3)
United States 275 of 628
Australia 138 of 355
United Kingdom 137 of 301
It is a tight race between Australia and the UK, calling on all Aussie and
Brits to check your country listings for accuracy. If your club is missing,
send me the details and it will be added.
I am still working on Malaysia and Indonesia, both of which could possibly
slide in above Australia. Time will tell.
We are 10 months away from INTERHASH 2022 in Trinidad. Hashers are starting
to get their schedules in order, and the buying and selling of INTERHASH and
RED DRESS regos resales are increasing, with almost 100 regos changing
hands. If you are looking to buy a rego, or you have made the unfortunate
decision that you cannot attend, and want to sell your regos, post your
requirements at . . . https://tinyurl.com/IH2022-REGO-Resale
We have a new 'Oldest' hash T-shirt in the Digital Museum. Step aside
Sydney H3 250th, welcome Singapore H3 500th.
This was made possible by a donation of Tumbling Bill Panton's T-shirt
collection, for inclusion in the Digital Hash T-Shirt Museum. There are
over 300 shirts to process, so it will take a couple months of sorting and
posting before be displayed.
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of August 2021 are listed below. See the
website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-08.html
Aug 4-15
Prelube To Eurohash Cruise
Hosted by the Moon Over Barbados H3, sailing from Paris To Prague.
Aug 6-8 - SOLD OUT
Beach Stumble
Hosted by the Tampa Bay H3 in St Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Aug 6-8
1700th Campout
Hosted by the Nittany Valley H3 in Lock Haven, PA, USA.
Aug 12-15
India Nash Hash & Monsoon Madness
Hosted by the Hyderabad H3 out near the Interhash site in Goa, India.
Aug 13-15
Winter Camp
Hosted by the Garden City H3 at Wainui Camp, New Zealand.
Aug 13-15
Redneck Revival BeerCamp
Hosted by the Sin City H3 in Cynthiana, KY, USA.
Aug 14-15
Big Island Trip
Hosted by the Volcano H3 on the Big Island, HI, USA.
Aug 14-16
10th Analversary Campout
Hosted by the Alamogordo H3 in Cloudcroft, NM, USA.
Aug 19-22
Hosted by the FHKIT H3 in New Orleans, LA, USA.
Aug 19-22
Hosted in the lovely and scenic city of Prague, Czech Republic.
Aug 27-29
Hosted by the Ithaca H3 in McGraw, NY, USA.
See the whole two year calendar of events at
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let
them know they can sign up by sending an email to
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/007201d7678a%24a5a54ae0%24f0efe0a0%24%40gmail.com.
On on!