Hello hashers,
In an attempt to be topical, we'll dedicate this month's scribble to MaBouche and Likk'mm . . . and Hash-L. I normally start drafting these monthly excursions into hashing a week or two before sending, and had already planned to make mention of Hash-L, but for those of you that are on it, you got to enjoy the conversation, the joy, and the sarcasm that still permeates this early social media. For everyone else, here are some tidbits from down memory lane . . .
Back in the days before Facebook, MySpace, and even HashSpace . . . there was HASH-L. It was the town square, or meeting place, for hashers from all over the world to come together to share hash stories and information. As well as grab a bowl of popcorn and observe loads of sarcasm and an occasional flame war. Terms like SDRA and FBAC became popular back in the 90s, thanks to Hash-L.
I was digging around on my website, and found some old writeups of hash trips. This one below is from 20 years ago when I wandered down to Kuala Lumpur for the very first International Hash Challenge, and the Mother Hash 3000th weekend celebration. As I reread this for the first time in about 20 years, I do note that there are a few typos and various other words for the grammar police to hit me on. I should probably be Drinking a beer now, to pay for my sins. 😊
Hash Across Malaysia in 2001 - https://www.gotothehash.net/ham2.html
There is a bit more Hash-L chatter sprinkled in with the passages below . . . enjoy.
Following New Zealand, that had their Nash Hash back in February . . . Hashers in China recently celebrated the 21st All China Nash Hash in April, hosted by the recently merged Kunming Chenggong H3. A little background . . . Kunming Spring City H3 and Chenggong H3 merged earlier this year. Attendance at each club had withered under COVID rules, and the two clubs had pretty much the same attendees. So merging solidified efforts to sustain both clubs and keep all the hashers equally entertained. The combined Kunming Chenggong H3 welcomed nearly 200 Hashers from all over China to Yunnan for four days of amazing trails . . . and drinking, eating, celebrations, and even some singing! China hashers are now looking forward to heading to Suzhou for ACNH 2022. A couple videos were posted on Facebook, and can be viewed below
Video 1 - https://www.facebook.com/100000312023574/videos/4208987522454940
Video 2 - https://www.facebook.com/100000312023574/videos/4225671757453183
Here is to all hashers worldwide being happy and healthy, and hope to see you on trail soon.
EUROHASH - A message from Sloppy Stool . . .
The decision has been made . . . EUROHASH 2021 is a GO for execution.
If you are registered to attend, but have not paid yet . . . please do so now. If you no longer wish to attend, other hashers on the wait list can replace you.
Anyone wishing to attend Eurohash who has not already paid may do so provided payment is sent before the end of June. Accommodation is fully booked, so people will need to book somewhere to stay - there is a 50 Euro reduction in price for people paying at the last minute for this reason.
If you wish to attend, please make sure you are REGISTERED at https://eurohashprague.com
Once you are registered, email Sloppy Stool at eurohashprague@gmail.com and he will give you payment information.
The update of the HHH Genealogy project continues. Here are the bigger ones recently completed, along with a few others.
China - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=China
Taiwan - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=Taiwan
Hong Kong - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=Hong%20Kong
Korea - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=South%20Korea
Philippines - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=Philippines
South America - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=site/region®ion=Southern%20America
The biggest and most difficult are yet to be engaged . . . USA, Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Of the 2906 clubs listed, these four countries account for just under 50% (active and dead).
Wherever you hash, if you want to update your clubs history and contact info (both current clubs, and those no longer running) . . . take a look at http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=site%2Fpresentation and send me your updates directly to GoToTheHash@gmail.com (GoToTheHash (at) gmail (dot) com). Specifically looking for, if available: date of first trail, city the club normally runs in, founders name, where the founder had hashed before founding the new club, URL of the website, and the logo.
CoMo XVI in 2021 . . . as part of the Hash-L discussion yesterday, it was mentioned there were no more hash event writeups, but this is probably just due to COVID and the total lack of hash events taking place. So, without further ado . . . here is a little bit of my first hash event since INTERGULF 2020 in Bahrain, from March of last year.
The Rumson H3 hosted their 16th annual edition of their COMOTION BY THE OCEAN in Seaside Park, New Jersey, USA, this past weekend. There were 122 signed up, and most everyone turned up, with the exception of the patriarch of the Rumson H3, Mr Jackson, who was a bit under the weather. Overall, a hearty 'well done' to the whole gang in Rumson for putting on an excellent hash event. Plenty of good food and drink, entertainment, and fun. Thursday night had about 50 hashers out on an evening boat cruise, and on Friday, there was an afternoon pub crawl followed by the traditional Blues Brothers dinner in town. On Saturday, we enjoyed the main event . . . which consisted of four different trails of varying length. The Eagle Trail was just shy of 5 miles, and all off road and a multitude of shiggy. Saturday night we enjoyed some social time and songs, and an exceptional dinner of smoked pork prepared by ALABAMA (A Lady, A Boy, And My Ass). Great to see several hashers from years gone by, and sing a few songs as well. Well done to the Rumson H3. Here is a flyover view of the eagle trail . . . https://www.relive.cc/view/vDqg7y3dJVq
In the Spotlight - The Future of the Hash House Harriers
By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell
10 May 2021
This article was published separately a couple weeks ago, and can be read at https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/SFLXZDnGgw4
It did generate some excellent discussion. The one comment that was most pertinent to the topic, was from my old friend LIkk'mm:
"So the HHH wasn't formed by a group of expats who regularly met at the pub and then one day decided to add a weekly "Hares and Hounds" distraction to their meetings? I was under the impression that that would have qualified as a drinking club - at the Selangor Club - which - in 1938 - developed a running problem. Admittedly it's been a couple of decades since I read Magic's description so the beer may have enhanced my perception of what I ingested back then."
And my response was: No, that is not really what Magic or John Duncan wrote . . . as far as I can tell, but let's look at it. Paraphrasing (from Magic's HHH History) . . . In 1937, Gispert was appointed branch manager in Malacca. He also became a father that same year, of which he was on home leave in the UK for the birth (because his soon to be wife was not allowed to join him in SE Asia until he had served at least 10 years there. He had only been there about eight). Plus, his soon to be wife was still finalizing her divorce. Yes, G had a bastard son, by a married woman. Early drama, even before the HHH. While in Malacca, Gispert discovered and started running with the Springgit Harriers, which included a few women, so a mixed club. He invited his friend Torch (who was a red head) to run with him in early 1938, while temporarily assigned and working for G in Malacca. G was transferred to the KL office sometime in 1938 (and became branch manager in 1941). He soon joined the Volunteer reserve on Monday nights. Yes, Monday. That is why when he started his own Harrier club, it was on Friday nights. It only moved to Monday after the war in 1946. G wanted to continue his running ways, despite the fact his son later stated he was not well gifted. So he heard another chap, Cecil Lee had run with the now defunct Kuala Lumpur Harriers (which had been very popular in the 1920s) a few years prior, and thought the two could organize a new club. Torch also joined in. While discussions had occurred occasionally over a beer in the long bar, they mostly occurred over dinners in the club chambers. G finally gathered up several mates, many who had also run with harrier clubs in SE Asia, for his first paper chase in late 1938. Not wanting to repeat the name Kuala Lumpur Harriers, G later decided to call it the Hash House Harriers. Attendance was solid, but small, usually 12 or less. Remember, the four "objectives" of hashing were not written until 1950, and they were likely exaggerated a bit on the drinking I suppose. But there is mention of great fun after the runs, which included beer and cigarettes. While parties going well back to the early events in the late 60s and early 70s were rich in drunken comradery, I don't think a drinking club formed the basis for the HHH. Which was my point to begin with . . . but has been getting much more prevalent among some factions around the world.
Here is a good example of what running a hash looked like back in the 1980s. Lots of runners, no beer stops, and paper trails . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WRrIYvaSOw
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of July 2021 are listed below. See the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-07.html
Jul 1-4
Africa Hash
Hosted by the Kampala H3 and Mengo H3 in Kampala, Uganda.
Jul 2-4 - Cancelled
Interscandi (now combined with DNH)
Hosted in the lovely Estonia.
Jul 2-4 - Cancelled
Danish Nash Hash
Hosted by the Copenhagen H3 in Harju Maakond, Estonia.
Jul 9-11 - Postponed to Jul 2022
German Nash Hash
Hosted by the Stuttgart H3 near Stuttgart, Germany.
Jul 9-11
Burlington Invihash
Hosted by the Burlington H3 in Vermont, USA.
Jul 16-18
Hundred Acre Woody
Hosted by the Flour City H3 in Geneseo, NY, USA.
Jul 24-25
2000th Run
Hosted by the Long Beach H3 in Long Beach, CA, USA.
Jul 24-26
Red Dress Run
Hosted by the Northern Plains H3 in Sioux Falls, SD, USA.
Jul 30 - Aug 1
Swiss Nash Hash
Hosted by the Schaffhausen H3 in St Gallen, Switzerland.
See the whole two year calendar of events at http://gotothehash.net/hashevents.html
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let them know they can sign up by sending an email to gotothehash+subscribe@googlegroups.com
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/073801d7517c%24b28d53c0%2417a7fb40%24%40gmail.com.

In an attempt to be topical, we'll dedicate this month's scribble to MaBouche and Likk'mm . . . and Hash-L. I normally start drafting these monthly excursions into hashing a week or two before sending, and had already planned to make mention of Hash-L, but for those of you that are on it, you got to enjoy the conversation, the joy, and the sarcasm that still permeates this early social media. For everyone else, here are some tidbits from down memory lane . . .
Back in the days before Facebook, MySpace, and even HashSpace . . . there was HASH-L. It was the town square, or meeting place, for hashers from all over the world to come together to share hash stories and information. As well as grab a bowl of popcorn and observe loads of sarcasm and an occasional flame war. Terms like SDRA and FBAC became popular back in the 90s, thanks to Hash-L.
I was digging around on my website, and found some old writeups of hash trips. This one below is from 20 years ago when I wandered down to Kuala Lumpur for the very first International Hash Challenge, and the Mother Hash 3000th weekend celebration. As I reread this for the first time in about 20 years, I do note that there are a few typos and various other words for the grammar police to hit me on. I should probably be Drinking a beer now, to pay for my sins. 😊
Hash Across Malaysia in 2001 - https://www.gotothehash.net/ham2.html
There is a bit more Hash-L chatter sprinkled in with the passages below . . . enjoy.
Following New Zealand, that had their Nash Hash back in February . . . Hashers in China recently celebrated the 21st All China Nash Hash in April, hosted by the recently merged Kunming Chenggong H3. A little background . . . Kunming Spring City H3 and Chenggong H3 merged earlier this year. Attendance at each club had withered under COVID rules, and the two clubs had pretty much the same attendees. So merging solidified efforts to sustain both clubs and keep all the hashers equally entertained. The combined Kunming Chenggong H3 welcomed nearly 200 Hashers from all over China to Yunnan for four days of amazing trails . . . and drinking, eating, celebrations, and even some singing! China hashers are now looking forward to heading to Suzhou for ACNH 2022. A couple videos were posted on Facebook, and can be viewed below
Video 1 - https://www.facebook.com/100000312023574/videos/4208987522454940
Video 2 - https://www.facebook.com/100000312023574/videos/4225671757453183
Here is to all hashers worldwide being happy and healthy, and hope to see you on trail soon.
EUROHASH - A message from Sloppy Stool . . .
The decision has been made . . . EUROHASH 2021 is a GO for execution.
If you are registered to attend, but have not paid yet . . . please do so now. If you no longer wish to attend, other hashers on the wait list can replace you.
Anyone wishing to attend Eurohash who has not already paid may do so provided payment is sent before the end of June. Accommodation is fully booked, so people will need to book somewhere to stay - there is a 50 Euro reduction in price for people paying at the last minute for this reason.
If you wish to attend, please make sure you are REGISTERED at https://eurohashprague.com
Once you are registered, email Sloppy Stool at eurohashprague@gmail.com and he will give you payment information.
The update of the HHH Genealogy project continues. Here are the bigger ones recently completed, along with a few others.
China - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=China
Taiwan - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=Taiwan
Hong Kong - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=Hong%20Kong
Korea - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=South%20Korea
Philippines - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=chapters/list&country=Philippines
South America - http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=site/region®ion=Southern%20America
The biggest and most difficult are yet to be engaged . . . USA, Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Of the 2906 clubs listed, these four countries account for just under 50% (active and dead).
Wherever you hash, if you want to update your clubs history and contact info (both current clubs, and those no longer running) . . . take a look at http://thehashhouse.org/index.php?r=site%2Fpresentation and send me your updates directly to GoToTheHash@gmail.com (GoToTheHash (at) gmail (dot) com). Specifically looking for, if available: date of first trail, city the club normally runs in, founders name, where the founder had hashed before founding the new club, URL of the website, and the logo.
CoMo XVI in 2021 . . . as part of the Hash-L discussion yesterday, it was mentioned there were no more hash event writeups, but this is probably just due to COVID and the total lack of hash events taking place. So, without further ado . . . here is a little bit of my first hash event since INTERGULF 2020 in Bahrain, from March of last year.
The Rumson H3 hosted their 16th annual edition of their COMOTION BY THE OCEAN in Seaside Park, New Jersey, USA, this past weekend. There were 122 signed up, and most everyone turned up, with the exception of the patriarch of the Rumson H3, Mr Jackson, who was a bit under the weather. Overall, a hearty 'well done' to the whole gang in Rumson for putting on an excellent hash event. Plenty of good food and drink, entertainment, and fun. Thursday night had about 50 hashers out on an evening boat cruise, and on Friday, there was an afternoon pub crawl followed by the traditional Blues Brothers dinner in town. On Saturday, we enjoyed the main event . . . which consisted of four different trails of varying length. The Eagle Trail was just shy of 5 miles, and all off road and a multitude of shiggy. Saturday night we enjoyed some social time and songs, and an exceptional dinner of smoked pork prepared by ALABAMA (A Lady, A Boy, And My Ass). Great to see several hashers from years gone by, and sing a few songs as well. Well done to the Rumson H3. Here is a flyover view of the eagle trail . . . https://www.relive.cc/view/vDqg7y3dJVq
In the Spotlight - The Future of the Hash House Harriers
By Ed "Hazukashii" Howell
10 May 2021
This article was published separately a couple weeks ago, and can be read at https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/SFLXZDnGgw4
It did generate some excellent discussion. The one comment that was most pertinent to the topic, was from my old friend LIkk'mm:
"So the HHH wasn't formed by a group of expats who regularly met at the pub and then one day decided to add a weekly "Hares and Hounds" distraction to their meetings? I was under the impression that that would have qualified as a drinking club - at the Selangor Club - which - in 1938 - developed a running problem. Admittedly it's been a couple of decades since I read Magic's description so the beer may have enhanced my perception of what I ingested back then."
And my response was: No, that is not really what Magic or John Duncan wrote . . . as far as I can tell, but let's look at it. Paraphrasing (from Magic's HHH History) . . . In 1937, Gispert was appointed branch manager in Malacca. He also became a father that same year, of which he was on home leave in the UK for the birth (because his soon to be wife was not allowed to join him in SE Asia until he had served at least 10 years there. He had only been there about eight). Plus, his soon to be wife was still finalizing her divorce. Yes, G had a bastard son, by a married woman. Early drama, even before the HHH. While in Malacca, Gispert discovered and started running with the Springgit Harriers, which included a few women, so a mixed club. He invited his friend Torch (who was a red head) to run with him in early 1938, while temporarily assigned and working for G in Malacca. G was transferred to the KL office sometime in 1938 (and became branch manager in 1941). He soon joined the Volunteer reserve on Monday nights. Yes, Monday. That is why when he started his own Harrier club, it was on Friday nights. It only moved to Monday after the war in 1946. G wanted to continue his running ways, despite the fact his son later stated he was not well gifted. So he heard another chap, Cecil Lee had run with the now defunct Kuala Lumpur Harriers (which had been very popular in the 1920s) a few years prior, and thought the two could organize a new club. Torch also joined in. While discussions had occurred occasionally over a beer in the long bar, they mostly occurred over dinners in the club chambers. G finally gathered up several mates, many who had also run with harrier clubs in SE Asia, for his first paper chase in late 1938. Not wanting to repeat the name Kuala Lumpur Harriers, G later decided to call it the Hash House Harriers. Attendance was solid, but small, usually 12 or less. Remember, the four "objectives" of hashing were not written until 1950, and they were likely exaggerated a bit on the drinking I suppose. But there is mention of great fun after the runs, which included beer and cigarettes. While parties going well back to the early events in the late 60s and early 70s were rich in drunken comradery, I don't think a drinking club formed the basis for the HHH. Which was my point to begin with . . . but has been getting much more prevalent among some factions around the world.
Here is a good example of what running a hash looked like back in the 1980s. Lots of runners, no beer stops, and paper trails . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WRrIYvaSOw
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of July 2021 are listed below. See the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-07.html
Jul 1-4
Africa Hash
Hosted by the Kampala H3 and Mengo H3 in Kampala, Uganda.
Jul 2-4 - Cancelled
Interscandi (now combined with DNH)
Hosted in the lovely Estonia.
Jul 2-4 - Cancelled
Danish Nash Hash
Hosted by the Copenhagen H3 in Harju Maakond, Estonia.
Jul 9-11 - Postponed to Jul 2022
German Nash Hash
Hosted by the Stuttgart H3 near Stuttgart, Germany.
Jul 9-11
Burlington Invihash
Hosted by the Burlington H3 in Vermont, USA.
Jul 16-18
Hundred Acre Woody
Hosted by the Flour City H3 in Geneseo, NY, USA.
Jul 24-25
2000th Run
Hosted by the Long Beach H3 in Long Beach, CA, USA.
Jul 24-26
Red Dress Run
Hosted by the Northern Plains H3 in Sioux Falls, SD, USA.
Jul 30 - Aug 1
Swiss Nash Hash
Hosted by the Schaffhausen H3 in St Gallen, Switzerland.
See the whole two year calendar of events at http://gotothehash.net/hashevents.html
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let them know they can sign up by sending an email to gotothehash+subscribe@googlegroups.com
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/073801d7517c%24b28d53c0%2417a7fb40%24%40gmail.com.
On on!