Hello hashers,
As the vaccine continues to be distributed around the world, there is new hope of future travel opportunities . . . and seeing our hash mates again. After nearly a year of lockdowns and restrictions, this news is encouraging. In the meantime, some countries have started to open up to international travel with various restrictions, mostly having a negative COVID test . . . and bringing cash. 😊 While I am getting to be an old man, I am not quite old enough to get my shots yet, so have taken the opportunity (having already recovered from COVID), to visit some new and exciting hash locations in South America. More to follow on that. As always, I wish all hashers around the globe health and safety, and happy trails.
If you are on this mail list, you are probably aware that http://gotothehash.net has an extensive listing of worldwide hash house harriers contacts, maintained by regional webmasters. These lists are maintained by volunteers who take on the often tedious effort to keep each hash club in their region up to date. For the benefit of future hash travel, please look up your clubs' contact listing and provide updates if required. On a happy note, a 'New' regional directory for Africa has recently been published - https://tinyurl.com/AfricaHHHregion
In one of my previous emails [World Hash Events: November 2020] https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/x61mxDmLScM . . . I published an article "In the Spotlight - Genealogy of the Hash House Harriers" that explained the origin and background of our HHH clubs. While this is an amazing effort by "Tumbling Bill" Panton, it does have some missing information. I encourage you, or your club mismanagement to review your historical listing, and if some info is missing or incorrect, send me the updated information. Please provide some relevant documentation if your update changes specific details like original founding date or the actual founder's details. This is a historical document that preserves our heritage, accuracy is important.
UPDATE: National and International Hash Events recently postponed or cancelled:
* USA Nash Hash has been postponed until 27-30 May 2022
* Philippine Nash Hash has been postponed until 24-26 Feb 2023
IN THE NEWS: Abydos beer factory: Ancient large-scale brewery discovered in Egypt
Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed what could be the world's oldest known beer factory, dating back about 5,000 years.
A joint Egyptian-American team discovered the brewery in Abydos, an ancient burial ground in the desert. They found a number of units containing about 40 pots used to heat a mixture of grain and water to make beer. The brewery is likely to date back to the era of King Narmer, according to the Supreme Council of Antiquities. It says it believes the find to "be the oldest high-production brewery in the world". King Narmer ruled more than 5,000 years ago. He founded the First Dynasty and is considered to have unified Egypt.
See the whole story at https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56067717
Last month I asked the question about what various clubs call hashers who have achieved 100 runs with a single club, and there was only one new additions to the ones I listed.
* Sembach Hash House Harriers in Germany has Hash God at 100, Hash Titan at 200, Hash Icon at 300, Grand Vizier at 400, and at 500 you revert back to a "Just" so you can appreciate what it's like to follow traditions again (you earn your previous status back at an accelerated rate). Currently don't have anyone at 600, we are open to suggestions.
On the other hand, I added . . . How about quadruple digits for those reaching 1000 trails with just one club? . . . and there was much discussion.
* 1000 runs gets a 'Sir' before your hash name in Vientiane, Laos
* In [Kuala Belait H4] Brunei, we also name them "sir" even for women
* 1000 runners are called " sad old bastards"
* Gold Coast, Bayside and Halfway [Australia] use a Sir after 1000 runs
* At City Hash we lose the stats regularly and ignore significant r*n numbers
* After 500 runs you can take a title of your own choosing, currently we have Emperors, Lords, Dames, Sargeants, Generals etc etc at Pattaya Hash House Harriers
* Old bastards that need a life
* Ankara used to give a pewter mug for 50 or 100 runs and nice embossed copper plates when you reached big numbers like 100, 200, 300, ... Madrid gave fleece jackets and similar items when reaching big numbers. I recall Madrid also added "Sir" or "Lady" to the hash name when reaching 500 runs. We had "Sir James" who became "Sir Sir James", and after he reached 1000 runs, he became "King Sir Sir James". At least that is what I remember; it's been a while.
And then there was this comment:
* Stockholm give you a Knighthood on your 70th birthday . . . Always thought this difficult to enforce, what if you do your first hash when you are 69? Do you still deserve a knighthood?
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
5 YEARS AGO: http://harrier.org/pipermail/hash-l_harrier.org/Week-of-Mon-20160229/008946.html
10 YEARS AGO: http://harrier.org/pipermail/hash-l_harrier.org/Week-of-Mon-20110221/006579.html
15 YEARS AGO: http://harrier.org/pipermail/hash-l_harrier.org/Week-of-Mon-20060227/003855.html
Upcoming hash events for the month of April 2021 are listed below. See the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-04.html
Apr 2-5
Easter Migration
Hosted by the First UK Full Moon H3 in Faro, Portugal.
Apr 16-20
3000th Hash
Hosted by the Episkopi H3 in Episkopi, Greece.
Apr 23-25
Fest Hash
Hosted by the Stuttgart H3 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Apr 23-25
Camp Lebowski
Hosted by the Tallahassee & Area H3 in Quincy, FL, USA.
Apr 24-26
Hosted by the Colombo Harriettes in Ella, Sri Lanka.
Apr 30 - May 2
Texas Interhash
Hosted by the GMs of various Texas Hash Clubs in Rockdale, TX, USA.
See the whole two year calendar of events at http://gotothehash.net/hashevents.html
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let them know they can sign up by sending an email to gotothehash+subscribe@googlegroups.com
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/03c501d70ab8%246ac40350%24404c09f0%24%40gmail.com.

As the vaccine continues to be distributed around the world, there is new hope of future travel opportunities . . . and seeing our hash mates again. After nearly a year of lockdowns and restrictions, this news is encouraging. In the meantime, some countries have started to open up to international travel with various restrictions, mostly having a negative COVID test . . . and bringing cash. 😊 While I am getting to be an old man, I am not quite old enough to get my shots yet, so have taken the opportunity (having already recovered from COVID), to visit some new and exciting hash locations in South America. More to follow on that. As always, I wish all hashers around the globe health and safety, and happy trails.
If you are on this mail list, you are probably aware that http://gotothehash.net has an extensive listing of worldwide hash house harriers contacts, maintained by regional webmasters. These lists are maintained by volunteers who take on the often tedious effort to keep each hash club in their region up to date. For the benefit of future hash travel, please look up your clubs' contact listing and provide updates if required. On a happy note, a 'New' regional directory for Africa has recently been published - https://tinyurl.com/AfricaHHHregion
In one of my previous emails [World Hash Events: November 2020] https://groups.google.com/g/gotothehash/c/x61mxDmLScM . . . I published an article "In the Spotlight - Genealogy of the Hash House Harriers" that explained the origin and background of our HHH clubs. While this is an amazing effort by "Tumbling Bill" Panton, it does have some missing information. I encourage you, or your club mismanagement to review your historical listing, and if some info is missing or incorrect, send me the updated information. Please provide some relevant documentation if your update changes specific details like original founding date or the actual founder's details. This is a historical document that preserves our heritage, accuracy is important.
UPDATE: National and International Hash Events recently postponed or cancelled:
* USA Nash Hash has been postponed until 27-30 May 2022
* Philippine Nash Hash has been postponed until 24-26 Feb 2023
IN THE NEWS: Abydos beer factory: Ancient large-scale brewery discovered in Egypt
Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed what could be the world's oldest known beer factory, dating back about 5,000 years.
A joint Egyptian-American team discovered the brewery in Abydos, an ancient burial ground in the desert. They found a number of units containing about 40 pots used to heat a mixture of grain and water to make beer. The brewery is likely to date back to the era of King Narmer, according to the Supreme Council of Antiquities. It says it believes the find to "be the oldest high-production brewery in the world". King Narmer ruled more than 5,000 years ago. He founded the First Dynasty and is considered to have unified Egypt.
See the whole story at https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56067717
Last month I asked the question about what various clubs call hashers who have achieved 100 runs with a single club, and there was only one new additions to the ones I listed.
* Sembach Hash House Harriers in Germany has Hash God at 100, Hash Titan at 200, Hash Icon at 300, Grand Vizier at 400, and at 500 you revert back to a "Just" so you can appreciate what it's like to follow traditions again (you earn your previous status back at an accelerated rate). Currently don't have anyone at 600, we are open to suggestions.
On the other hand, I added . . . How about quadruple digits for those reaching 1000 trails with just one club? . . . and there was much discussion.
* 1000 runs gets a 'Sir' before your hash name in Vientiane, Laos
* In [Kuala Belait H4] Brunei, we also name them "sir" even for women
* 1000 runners are called " sad old bastards"
* Gold Coast, Bayside and Halfway [Australia] use a Sir after 1000 runs
* At City Hash we lose the stats regularly and ignore significant r*n numbers
* After 500 runs you can take a title of your own choosing, currently we have Emperors, Lords, Dames, Sargeants, Generals etc etc at Pattaya Hash House Harriers
* Old bastards that need a life
* Ankara used to give a pewter mug for 50 or 100 runs and nice embossed copper plates when you reached big numbers like 100, 200, 300, ... Madrid gave fleece jackets and similar items when reaching big numbers. I recall Madrid also added "Sir" or "Lady" to the hash name when reaching 500 runs. We had "Sir James" who became "Sir Sir James", and after he reached 1000 runs, he became "King Sir Sir James". At least that is what I remember; it's been a while.
And then there was this comment:
* Stockholm give you a Knighthood on your 70th birthday . . . Always thought this difficult to enforce, what if you do your first hash when you are 69? Do you still deserve a knighthood?
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
5 YEARS AGO: http://harrier.org/pipermail/hash-l_harrier.org/Week-of-Mon-20160229/008946.html
10 YEARS AGO: http://harrier.org/pipermail/hash-l_harrier.org/Week-of-Mon-20110221/006579.html
15 YEARS AGO: http://harrier.org/pipermail/hash-l_harrier.org/Week-of-Mon-20060227/003855.html
Upcoming hash events for the month of April 2021 are listed below. See the website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-04.html
Apr 2-5
Easter Migration
Hosted by the First UK Full Moon H3 in Faro, Portugal.
Apr 16-20
3000th Hash
Hosted by the Episkopi H3 in Episkopi, Greece.
Apr 23-25
Fest Hash
Hosted by the Stuttgart H3 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Apr 23-25
Camp Lebowski
Hosted by the Tallahassee & Area H3 in Quincy, FL, USA.
Apr 24-26
Hosted by the Colombo Harriettes in Ella, Sri Lanka.
Apr 30 - May 2
Texas Interhash
Hosted by the GMs of various Texas Hash Clubs in Rockdale, TX, USA.
See the whole two year calendar of events at http://gotothehash.net/hashevents.html
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly Shoe!
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let them know they can sign up by sending an email to gotothehash+subscribe@googlegroups.com
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/03c501d70ab8%246ac40350%24404c09f0%24%40gmail.com.
On on!