Hello hashers,
While many hash event organizers are still wary of near term travel
capabilities or restrictions, and postponing or cancelling events (see the
update below) . . . some hashers have been gaining confidence and buying
regos. As an example, over a dozen Interhash & Red Dress regos for Trinidad
have traded hands in the past couple weeks. If you want to buy or sell an
Interhash Rego, check out http://gotothehash.net
As always, I wish all hashers around the globe health and safety, and happy
UPDATE: Major International Hash Events recently postponed or cancelled:
* PanAsia (POSTPONED to 7-9 Oct 2022) - Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia
* InterAmericas Hash (POSTPONED to 2-5 Sep 2022) - Medellin, Colombia
* InterScandi & Danish Nash Hash in Tallin, Estonia has been officially
cancelled for 2021. Refunds are being processed for all paid registrants.
In the Spotlight - Hash Firsts (or just plain Trivia if you prefer)
For my first article in 2021, I would like to offer a review of the origins
of things we find common in the world of the Hash House Harriers.
Hash House Harriers (a.k.a. HHH or H3) - No one knows the specific founding
date, but it is believed that the HHH was founding in late 1938. But the
basis for the HHH goes back well over 100 years earlier to Rugby School and
the kid's game of Hare & Hounds (a.k.a. Paperchase). The first recorded
transition of this kid's game to adults is credited to the Thames Rowing
club in 1867, when they organized the Thames Hare & Hounds club to stay fit
in the off season. The Hare & Hounds clubs followed along as the British
Empire expanded throughout Asia, and even becoming popular in the United
States in the early 20th century.
MISMANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - The first established organization document for
the HHH was drafted in 1950, when social clubs of all kinds were required to
register with the government in Kuala Lumpur, as they appear at
http://gotothehash.net/history/rules.html. Originally, the club committee
consisted of a President, Vice President (a.k.a. Joint Masters), an Honorary
Secretary (HONSEC), and a Treasurer. The members of the Committee had to
ability to co-opt additional committee members (e.g. Hash Horn or Holder of
the Horn) or to elect new committee members should they not be able to
fulfill their current term in office. While some older clubs still use
these original positions, at the present, Joint Masters are uncommon, as
Religious Advisor (RA) has become popular as the leader of the circle.
Honorary Secretary has given way Hash Scribe, and Treasurers are now
commonly known as the Hash Cash. The first documented use of the term Grand
Master (GM) was when HHH Singapore appointed Albert Withnall as GM, above
the Joint Masters. Other mismanagement positions commonly found now are
Hash Haberdasher who acquires and sells all sorts of clothing and trinkets,
Webmaster that takes care of the Public Relations via the World Wide Web,
and the Beer Meister who is responsible to bring the refreshments.
HASHIT - The Brunei H3 is credited for first bestowing this honorary title.
The following excerpt comes from the Brunei H3 Hash Trash dated 28 April
1966: "A Hash Award Committee (of one) was formed and unanimously decided
that an award on the lines of a Golden Disc, Grammy, or Oscar should be
presented for hashing and this award would be known as a "Hashit." The
"Hashit" Committee decided that this award would be made to the hares of the
most hashed up run of the year." The hashit (a.ka. Hash Shit) is now often
bestowed weekly, for any sort of noteworthy activity that occurred on trail.
The Hash Shit can take the form of a plunger, a toilet seat, or some other
awkward device, and is often required to be carried or worn on trail.
HASH T-SHIRTS - While it is quite certain there were hash t-shirts before
1972, the Sydney H3 currently has the oldest documented hash T-shirt from
their 250th Run on 10 Jul 1972.
HASH NAMES - It is believed that hash names originated in Jakarta HHH. In
order to get the word out in the days before the Internet or WWW, hash clubs
would mail out the weekly hash trash to members. Unfortunately, the mail
system in Jakarta was not timely enough to deliver them before the next
week's run, so the trash was printed and placed in a handful of local
establishments so the members could pick them up. As this allowed anyone
who passed by the opportunity to read what was going on within the hash, the
use of real names was soon abandoned to avoid any conflict with employers or
the general public at large.
THE CIRCLE - The circle is also credited to have originated in Jakarta, but
not necessarily for fellowship among hashers and the issuance of down-downs,
but merely to create a type of barrier between the hashers and the local
people that would become very curious of what was taking place. As time
went on, the circle slowly became more entrenched in the weekly activity and
could often last up to two hours, with regular down-downs and the singing of
HASH SONGS - It is commonly believed that singing was a carryover from
rugby, which many early hashers also played. Over the years, many new and
often bawdy songs have been adapted and/or written by hashers for various
HASH EVENTS - The first invitational gathering of Hash House Harriers clubs
was the 1000th running of Mother Hash in March 1966, when there were only
about ten clubs total, and all in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. By 1973
many other hash clubs had been formed, and had spread out beyond Southeast
Asia, so Mother Hash repeated the effort for their 1500th trail that drew
about 300 hashers to Kuala Lumpur.
INTERHASH - Sometime in 1976, the Kowloon H3 thought they might host a major
event (jokingly referred to as "The International Hash Unconvention"). By
May of 1977, invitations had been sent for all good hashmen to come to Hong
Kong for INTERHASH 78. A reporter for the Washington Post, Jay Mathews,
happened to be on hand and made this report
http://gotothehash.net/history/Interhash/washpost78.pdf. Based on the
success of this gathering in Hong Kong, Mother Hash stepped up to host again
in two years (with the exception of 2020 due to COVID), and the pattern was
set. We now have World Interhash every two years. Interhash has become a
prime opportunity to catch up with many old friends from hash trails gone
by. Normally a 3-4 day event, it generally consists of a welcoming party on
Friday night, followed by 2 days of hash trails of varying length and
difficulty from short walkers trails to the Ball Breaker, all spread out
around the countryside. More details can be seen at
This is the most accurate information I have uncovered in my years of
research and study. As I, and other hash historians continue to dig into
the old documentation, updates may occur. If this hash lore is not enough,
you can see much more trivia at
Hitting triple digits is one happy milestone that seems to get significant
attention, as completing your 100th hash trail with a single club firmly
establishes your dedication to the club. In the Brunei H3, one is titled a
'Hectocourier' after having completed their 100th hash. At the Aloha H3,
you become a 'Centurion.' I have also seen clubs use terms like 'Hash God'
or 'Emeritus Master' after reaching 100 hash runs. Does you hash club have
a specific name for reaching the triple digit level? How about quadruple
digits for those reaching 1000 trails with just one club?
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of March 2021 are listed below. See the
website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-03.html
Mar 1-4
Philippines Hash Bash
Hosted by Wild Wolf Productions in El Nido, Philippines.
Mar 3-5
Caliente Man
Hosted by the Palm Beach H3 in Ochopee, FL, USA.
Mar 4-8
SLuTty Hot Tub Time Machine Spring Fling Ski Weekend
Hosted by the South Lake Tahoe H3 in South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.
Mar 19-21 - Postponed to Nov 2021
Aussie Nash Hash
Hosted by the Adelaide H3 in Adelaide, Australia.
See the whole two year calendar of events at
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let
them know they can sign up by sending an email to
Scanned by McAfee and confirmed virus-free.
Find out more here: https://bit.ly/2zCJMrO
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/02b801d6f4be%2416cb15a0%24446140e0%24%40gmail.com.

While many hash event organizers are still wary of near term travel
capabilities or restrictions, and postponing or cancelling events (see the
update below) . . . some hashers have been gaining confidence and buying
regos. As an example, over a dozen Interhash & Red Dress regos for Trinidad
have traded hands in the past couple weeks. If you want to buy or sell an
Interhash Rego, check out http://gotothehash.net
As always, I wish all hashers around the globe health and safety, and happy
UPDATE: Major International Hash Events recently postponed or cancelled:
* PanAsia (POSTPONED to 7-9 Oct 2022) - Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia
* InterAmericas Hash (POSTPONED to 2-5 Sep 2022) - Medellin, Colombia
* InterScandi & Danish Nash Hash in Tallin, Estonia has been officially
cancelled for 2021. Refunds are being processed for all paid registrants.
In the Spotlight - Hash Firsts (or just plain Trivia if you prefer)
For my first article in 2021, I would like to offer a review of the origins
of things we find common in the world of the Hash House Harriers.
Hash House Harriers (a.k.a. HHH or H3) - No one knows the specific founding
date, but it is believed that the HHH was founding in late 1938. But the
basis for the HHH goes back well over 100 years earlier to Rugby School and
the kid's game of Hare & Hounds (a.k.a. Paperchase). The first recorded
transition of this kid's game to adults is credited to the Thames Rowing
club in 1867, when they organized the Thames Hare & Hounds club to stay fit
in the off season. The Hare & Hounds clubs followed along as the British
Empire expanded throughout Asia, and even becoming popular in the United
States in the early 20th century.
MISMANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - The first established organization document for
the HHH was drafted in 1950, when social clubs of all kinds were required to
register with the government in Kuala Lumpur, as they appear at
http://gotothehash.net/history/rules.html. Originally, the club committee
consisted of a President, Vice President (a.k.a. Joint Masters), an Honorary
Secretary (HONSEC), and a Treasurer. The members of the Committee had to
ability to co-opt additional committee members (e.g. Hash Horn or Holder of
the Horn) or to elect new committee members should they not be able to
fulfill their current term in office. While some older clubs still use
these original positions, at the present, Joint Masters are uncommon, as
Religious Advisor (RA) has become popular as the leader of the circle.
Honorary Secretary has given way Hash Scribe, and Treasurers are now
commonly known as the Hash Cash. The first documented use of the term Grand
Master (GM) was when HHH Singapore appointed Albert Withnall as GM, above
the Joint Masters. Other mismanagement positions commonly found now are
Hash Haberdasher who acquires and sells all sorts of clothing and trinkets,
Webmaster that takes care of the Public Relations via the World Wide Web,
and the Beer Meister who is responsible to bring the refreshments.
HASHIT - The Brunei H3 is credited for first bestowing this honorary title.
The following excerpt comes from the Brunei H3 Hash Trash dated 28 April
1966: "A Hash Award Committee (of one) was formed and unanimously decided
that an award on the lines of a Golden Disc, Grammy, or Oscar should be
presented for hashing and this award would be known as a "Hashit." The
"Hashit" Committee decided that this award would be made to the hares of the
most hashed up run of the year." The hashit (a.ka. Hash Shit) is now often
bestowed weekly, for any sort of noteworthy activity that occurred on trail.
The Hash Shit can take the form of a plunger, a toilet seat, or some other
awkward device, and is often required to be carried or worn on trail.
HASH T-SHIRTS - While it is quite certain there were hash t-shirts before
1972, the Sydney H3 currently has the oldest documented hash T-shirt from
their 250th Run on 10 Jul 1972.
HASH NAMES - It is believed that hash names originated in Jakarta HHH. In
order to get the word out in the days before the Internet or WWW, hash clubs
would mail out the weekly hash trash to members. Unfortunately, the mail
system in Jakarta was not timely enough to deliver them before the next
week's run, so the trash was printed and placed in a handful of local
establishments so the members could pick them up. As this allowed anyone
who passed by the opportunity to read what was going on within the hash, the
use of real names was soon abandoned to avoid any conflict with employers or
the general public at large.
THE CIRCLE - The circle is also credited to have originated in Jakarta, but
not necessarily for fellowship among hashers and the issuance of down-downs,
but merely to create a type of barrier between the hashers and the local
people that would become very curious of what was taking place. As time
went on, the circle slowly became more entrenched in the weekly activity and
could often last up to two hours, with regular down-downs and the singing of
HASH SONGS - It is commonly believed that singing was a carryover from
rugby, which many early hashers also played. Over the years, many new and
often bawdy songs have been adapted and/or written by hashers for various
HASH EVENTS - The first invitational gathering of Hash House Harriers clubs
was the 1000th running of Mother Hash in March 1966, when there were only
about ten clubs total, and all in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. By 1973
many other hash clubs had been formed, and had spread out beyond Southeast
Asia, so Mother Hash repeated the effort for their 1500th trail that drew
about 300 hashers to Kuala Lumpur.
INTERHASH - Sometime in 1976, the Kowloon H3 thought they might host a major
event (jokingly referred to as "The International Hash Unconvention"). By
May of 1977, invitations had been sent for all good hashmen to come to Hong
Kong for INTERHASH 78. A reporter for the Washington Post, Jay Mathews,
happened to be on hand and made this report
http://gotothehash.net/history/Interhash/washpost78.pdf. Based on the
success of this gathering in Hong Kong, Mother Hash stepped up to host again
in two years (with the exception of 2020 due to COVID), and the pattern was
set. We now have World Interhash every two years. Interhash has become a
prime opportunity to catch up with many old friends from hash trails gone
by. Normally a 3-4 day event, it generally consists of a welcoming party on
Friday night, followed by 2 days of hash trails of varying length and
difficulty from short walkers trails to the Ball Breaker, all spread out
around the countryside. More details can be seen at
This is the most accurate information I have uncovered in my years of
research and study. As I, and other hash historians continue to dig into
the old documentation, updates may occur. If this hash lore is not enough,
you can see much more trivia at
Hitting triple digits is one happy milestone that seems to get significant
attention, as completing your 100th hash trail with a single club firmly
establishes your dedication to the club. In the Brunei H3, one is titled a
'Hectocourier' after having completed their 100th hash. At the Aloha H3,
you become a 'Centurion.' I have also seen clubs use terms like 'Hash God'
or 'Emeritus Master' after reaching 100 hash runs. Does you hash club have
a specific name for reaching the triple digit level? How about quadruple
digits for those reaching 1000 trails with just one club?
From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .
Upcoming hash events for the month of March 2021 are listed below. See the
website for more details: http://gotothehash.net/e/hashevents21-03.html
Mar 1-4
Philippines Hash Bash
Hosted by Wild Wolf Productions in El Nido, Philippines.
Mar 3-5
Caliente Man
Hosted by the Palm Beach H3 in Ochopee, FL, USA.
Mar 4-8
SLuTty Hot Tub Time Machine Spring Fling Ski Weekend
Hosted by the South Lake Tahoe H3 in South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.
Mar 19-21 - Postponed to Nov 2021
Aussie Nash Hash
Hosted by the Adelaide H3 in Adelaide, Australia.
See the whole two year calendar of events at
If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info.
Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)
Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
http://GoToTheHash.net (Since 1998)
GoToTheHash page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GoToTheHash
If you have any hasher friends that would like to subscribe to this rag, let
them know they can sign up by sending an email to
Scanned by McAfee and confirmed virus-free.
Find out more here: https://bit.ly/2zCJMrO
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Go To The Hash" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to gotothehash+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gotothehash/02b801d6f4be%2416cb15a0%24446140e0%24%40gmail.com.
On on!